
God damnit. In my defense, I was blinded by rage.

Most of us had the Hot Wheels version at once point. 

Now the other question is, what printer really has the worst drivers?

I remember those days. Manufacturers weren’t shy about reminding you that your cheap ass bought the base spec model.

Some weird destructive things just tickle the right neurons for some people. Avoid the ones who don’t keep it to themselves.

I mean we had economic studies, and data showing that at least half of all inflation was caused by corporations hiking prices well above their rising costs.  Its why companies were posting record profits and increasing bonuses and stock buy backs.  What I fault Biden for, among a few things (like his ego and that of

Jalopnik is rolling in that sweet USAID money and I just retired on the French Riviera with my Soros money. You have no idea how well we’re doing with our liberal piles of money, my god what a gravy train we have. Sucks to be you.

You might want to look into what USAID, you know, does.

It would be a Phoenix Sunsmobile...and that wouldnt be rad. 

Basically yeah. With Biden they cried they can’t afford to live because of inflation... even though inflation returned to normal and wages had started to outpace inflation.

Experts questioned whether the move to rework guidance and rescind funds was legal


He’s not facing charges of aggravated assault, attempted aggravated robbery and terroristic threatening in the first degree.”

By 2010, a surge in demand for luxury cars helped the two brands deliver four consecutive quarters of profit for Tata”

I think part of the problem is that it can’t really be the “same vehicle” in most cases. EVs have different packaging concerns than ICE vehicles and need their own platforms. So you can have an EV that looks pretty similar and fills the same niche, but it won’t be the same like vehicles with two engine options would

American car culture in Japan is one of the best car scenes they have. It often makes me laugh because they execute American car styles better than Americans sometimes.

To be fair, it does look like the ‘24 Limited started around $67k and was just under $70k with delivery. Unfortunately the only real inventory that Toyota has right now are some Land Cruisers and trucks 9BZ4x too, but uhh, yea). All the other cars and SUV’s are still extremely limited availability (region and State dep

My top annoyance is unedited car repair videos. I love car repair videos and rely on them heavily. BUT for f**k’s sake, edit them down to just the essentials please. I don’t need to watch you slowly turning each bolt in real time. Nor do I need to watch you look around for the screw you dropped on the ground. Nor do I

My fleet is firmly stuck in the mid 90's to early 2000's