
I would love to see something more surreptitious: deal with cheaters by identifying them via something like the method above, but don’t notify them or ban them. Instead, block them from joining normal matches. Force them onto quarantined servers where everyone they are playing against is cheating as well. Then sit

Don’t bring nuance to the internet. We ain’t havin’ it!

This show is having massive crossover appeal with tons of people who would never pick up the game and play it. It’s all anyone at work is talking about. I’m so glad to see it land so well. Also, Pascal’s monologue with his brother was just amazing television.

That’s why that place looked familiar. I passed through there years ago on my way to Banff on a trip with my bestest buddy. 

I’m not a fan of the floating hand in games. You do all this work to make it immersive, but the hands don’t have a wrist? I get that the wrist will block the view, but I have wrists in real life and yeah, sometimes they are in front of my face, but I somehow manage.

do modern cars HAVE adjustements? My older vehicles with H4 headlights had those two screws you could use. Modern cars just seem to have a fixed box that you plug the halogen bulb in through the back but I see no ability to adjust the angle of the beam produced. My BMW does it’s own little self-leveling headlight dip

Me, 4 cars back: Ayyy! What tha feck are dooin up there, takin’ selfies and shit with the drive thru? Get a move on, lady, I gotta get my crotch goblin to daycare and make it ta wark and yer makin’ me late with ya tikki tokkis an’ whatnot.

Plus, I loved his work in Iron Man. 

Peter Stormare AND a trebuchet?

That Nissan pigeons commercial HAS to be Ratzenberger. Has to be. Was that pre-Pixar?

One of my favorite movies came out my wife wanting to watch a rom-com (her favorite genre) and she put on “About Time” which started out as a rom com, but then got wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey and then the next thing I knew I was absolutely blasted by the father-son dynamic and it’s maybe one the best movies ever made.  

This made me snort-guffaw. Thanks. 

In her paper, philosophy professor Anna Smajdor argues that—with potential surrogates’ consent—“whole body gestational donation,” or WBGD, should be normalized like organ donation.

Yet somehow still revolting. All I can see is Dodge styling circa 2005. 

Anyone who has ever owned a sports car knows the only things you attract are dudes who think you want to race them or they approach you at the gas pump to tell you about their uncle’s ______ and how rad that thing was and it would do 120 before you hit 3rd gear when you were out just casually outrunning the cops, as

The pricing seems a bit high for this type of product. $50? Sheesh. 

I feel like it’s an homage to the BB512. 

I imagine these games will look and perform just fine with 16GB. You will get stuttering with all settings on Ultra, but honestly, do you guys see much of a difference between high and ultra settings these days? I know I can’t. I can even look at side by side screen shots from tweak guides and not pick up much.

But I find Fitipaldi cancels out Snuka, don’t you think?

Expensive car with basement-budget tires.