
Yeah, I went to a guy’s house and his garage was immaculate with every tool precisely placed on a pegboard and well-organized and he had to take the car cover off of the already-garaged car to show it to me. I bought that car on the spot and drove it for 7 years without it ever needing anything other than consumables:

The exception is the Garage Queen. The enthusiast car that only got driven on sunny, warm days from March through October. Those are usually better than ok. 

Creates COUNTLESS jobs.

I don’t see nearly enough cars with that rich brown “saddle leather” interior. Instead we get that bland beige that always has yellowish undertones that just looks awful with almost any color combo.

Drop Dead Gorgeous was one of those movies that seemed destined to disappear into the ether, but somehow, like Palpatine, it returned and you can stream it on HBO Max, which I highly recommend anyone who has never seen it, to do.

Cameron swears the 4K remaster is coming out this spring. 

There are DOZENS of us!

Midgets and antique furniture make me wanna puke. 

That was a Peugot too, wasn’t it?

I would say that those are things I liked about the Mandalorian and Fett; they aren’t invulnerable unstoppable badasses. Mando gets his ass handed to him by a handful of Jawas. That was great.

Yeah, I’m too clumsy for this. Boiling water on the dash of my car? I would do myself like the poor McDonald’s lady, for certain.

This is a bad faith arguement. In your scenario, the clinic protesters are on the streets and sidewalk and the SC Justice protesters are on the lawn and driveway.

I was surprised by how decently reachable a lot of things are on the 997. I had heard plugs and injectors were a 6 hour job, but dropping the mufflers was like a 15 minute job and then everything was actually pretty easy to reach. That one plug I definitely had to contort and put together a frankenstein’s monster of

Oh. Planned Parenthood clinics are public property?

But protesting outside the house of a Supreme Court Justice is illegal.

Do you ever see a Republican nominating a progressive liberal to anything?

top row, 6th from left. Oval rather than circle, but overall very similar.

I wish there were an opening in the case to run the plug cable into, so i could charge it while it’s secure inside the case.

God, I wish Jeep still made the Cherokee.

I think we’re all in agreement here that we have nothing but sympathy for Ted Cruz’s child.