
Ok, Candy Corn is a terrible, no-good, bad candy. Just...gross.

The seven people with their tires blown out will never see a dime in restitution.

Oh, well let me disabuse anyone of that false metric. I did my medical residency on the East coast and basically crack cocaine was “in the water” because it was so prevalent. Sweet little old white grandmas in cardigans were hitting the pipe out there.

That detail about Saabs is really cool. 

I dunno. Knock on wood, but I’ve always had good reliability with my used BMWs. (I tend to buy at 40K miles and drive until I hit 100K miles).

The urinee was living his best life right then. Fist pump at the end and all.

Also, the bit about the slinky is one of my favorite things of all time - to this day. 

Not to mention a ghost gives a blowjob in the original film (while the themesong plays!)

We need to mass email Steven Spielberg to go after ID for infringing on “Temple of Doom”.

There’s wait times on almost everything these days, so I’m not terribly surprised. I bought kitchen appliances about 6 months ago, have yet to see any of them. Couch was 8-10 months out. 

I feel like Knives Out is very much an updated Clue. Can’t wait for the sequels. 

Oh, yeah. IT. Even when I was a kid, it was like “Oh, this is crappy TV miniseries production quality”, and most of it wasn’t scary at all, but even then, Tim Curry was on a whole other level. He was very effective and I’m still clown-phobic to this day.

Yeah, those 15% are people playing through a “What If...?” scenario. 

I haven’t played Stardew Valley and know next-to-nothing about it, but I feel they would enjoy something like that if they gave it a shot.

I feel like one of these would be great for a kid new to driving who is just driving back and forth from home to school and practice. Not getting on the freeway, etc. And if (lol, I said “if”) they fuck it up, hey, you’re out the price of a nice television. 

Congrats, you turned a 928 into a 968 cabrio. 

They already have my money (figuratively), what more needs to be uttered?

In my case I was just changing out the wiper blades and accidentally nudged it while I was getting the new one situated. I saw it all in slow motion and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I had seriously fucked up.

Totoro is the god of naps. A deity I can get behind. 
