Haven’t red states been outsourcing abortions for decades?
Haven’t red states been outsourcing abortions for decades?
I’m a big fan of the weird R-class. I had one and it was great. It could scoot. It also had paddle shifters which is weird for a smushed minivan. Best long-distance grand tourer I’ve ever had.
Dude, you should really think about removing the Un from your screenname. Can you please stop dispensing your special brand of wisdom on me?
Except it was baked into the original text, as Herbert got the original inspiration for the story while in coastal Oregon working on dune stabilization efforts and was an environemental activist himself.
^This guy get it, too.
^This is a crucial comment for anyone who wants to complain that this is yet another “white savior” trope.
Exactly. The mahindra is basically the old post-war farm-implement Jeep that India licensed and then they never quit making. Kind of like how the old school VW beetle was still being made in parts of the world up until 2003!
So many echos of the affluenza teen going on here.
His college aspirations were to get absolute hammered at an Aggie kegger and coerce freshmen into the back of his coal-mobile.
If you hadn’t posted this exact line, I was going to.
Or you have 3 kids and your wife dies of fucking cancer and you later remarry a woman who has no children but wants some.
When you have 5 kids, who all play sports and your family likes to ski and camp, the Suburban is exactly the right size. There’s nothing else on the market with 3 rows of seating while retaining storage space behind the 3rd row plus 4 wheel drive (I live in a mountainous/snowy area), and has the ability to tow, other…
We’ve vaccinated half the human population and we aren’t seeing serious side-effects*.
Bitch, you made me aspirate my coffee! I was not prepared!
So many echoes of Ethan Couch.
Throw me in the pile with “Primal” was the best of the modern Far Cry series.
Me too, man.
You’ve got the right idea but the wrong shit heel—> Ethan Couch is his predecessor.
That’s a bit dramatic.
Not meaning to come off like a dick* but if you haven’t ever played a PC game ever, how did you pre-order?