
This font’s italics don’t slant far enough to the right to emphasize what pure chaos this might be!

I don’t have eyes in the back of my throat, champ.

“You had one fuckin’ unpaid job. What the fuck do I not pay you for, son?!”

A photo of a calculator with 80085 in the window.

To: The SI Staff

You guys have been going to this Warren Sharp guy a lot, and his stuff is really good! That being said, for whatever reason I always read it as Warren Sapp and there’s always a moment where I’m scratching my head wondering when Warren Sapp started offering good analysis. 

“Khalil Mack Has Leg Amputated at Knee by Hidden Battleaxe, Still Strip-Sacks Jared Goff (UPDATE: He Grew Another Leg)“

Our shenanigans are cheeky and fun, their shenanigans are cruel and tragic. 

Hey Well to be Fair Guy, it’s Posting in Wrong Article Guy,

Gravity finally gets its sweet revenge on Newton. 

Having never been touched like that by a woman before, it was all he could do to prematurely eject her.

Everyone involved in this saga on both the Steelers and the Raiders feels like a character in a Christopher Guest movie.

You shoulda seen him on the Karen Pence post! ba dum shish!

My cousin’s kids are named Jett and Jax and I want to puke every time I hear them.

Zeke who?

everybody is putting on a happy face as they travel to Winnipeg

Kelly has yet to comment publicly on the matter, but if she did, I would imagine it would be something along the lines of: “I’m not racist! I have black guns! Some of my best guns are black!

Scroll up and give this guy his fucking +1.

How’d you get a picture of Kershaw through Vin Scully’s eyes?