
*The Eyes Have Hills

... Unlock that door, and you may be headed to the Shrine of the Silver Monkey! Assemble the statue there, and you may move on to the Wave Pool. If you survive both the correctly functioning waves AND the accidental tsunami, it may lead you to the Pavement! From there, you must climb into the Ambulance and race to


What, no Onan the Barbarian?

Boris Johnson’s favorite part about EuroLeague basketball is watching Europeans get punished for traveling

This. It just makes them look recreant and pusillanimous.

well read or educated.”

Truman, you can Carter off to jail, but Grant me this: If you just Fillmore prison cells, it won’t solve anything. It would be-Hoover to reform her ways, so we should Taylor the punishment to the crime.

Not to be a truther, but how old is that Zion pic?

Me: violate me with that scorpion tail, daddy

What about the American remake Almost Cousins produced Maeby Funke and Mort Meyers.  

Generally, people don’t want their cousins. Unless they are watching Les Cousins Dangereux...


Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.

Jesus, I'm sorry, THE POPE! I thought that's what "self service" meant. 

Food and soda in a gym. Do you want Morants? Because that's how you get Morants.

Is this what happens when the prison guards run the asylum?