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    “We like sports, and we don’t care who knows.”

    ESPN in Dallas was pretty critical in the 20 or so seconds I heard. Of course I did also have to turn it off when a caller started ranting about how the Illuminati decided he needed to be punished, so take it for what you will.

    So did no one at ESPN think to be careful about how to phrase headlines with his name? Grays image note: just a screenshot of ESPN dot com with a “Top Headline” declaring, “Colts get it ‘Reich’...”

    Way to channel your inner Linda Belcher nonsense sounds

    And on a cold day, no less.

    Don’t lump me in with these idiots. Dummies that believe dumb shit are not confined to one or two free spirited occupations.

    Most of the other commenters are just having fun with you since you don’t know the site. Just do a “Kaepernick” search and you will see they are decidedly pro-Kaep. Alternately try “Goodell,” “Brady” or “Stadium Scams” to see how not pro-NFL they tend to be. Oh or “Concussions.”

    Union dispute

    A reference to Office Space.

    I think there is a middle ground conclusion where they knew they had the opportunity to pull a massive troll job. On the podcast they do things that are troll-ish in a legitimately humorous way like try to get Rovell to retweet dumb fake branding stuff and randomly and openly jokingly accuse athletes having above

    Who knew Larry David was such a big HS volleyball fan?

    Strasburg was also described as almost suffering from jaundice.

    In my experience pretty much everyone says “ironic” when they mean “coincidental.”

    Armegeddon. I rewatched it recently, and it does in fact suck. Popular at the time and money maker though.

    “Flicking” or “Flipping”? I need a ruling. It is “flipping,” right? Right!?

    Mr. Gatty’s can afford to sponsor a stadium!?

    Is this Adam Silver’s super top secret way of encouraging players to both protest and rest from time to time when relatively healthy?

    Black people aren’t opppressed in the USA! *immeditely oppresses black man*

    I would say “forced to not lose” over “wins” haha. Anyway the point of trying to disincentivize shitty basketball that it makes the overall product worse. More teams trying to out tank each other means more bad games means bad for the NBA, even if the tanking teams necessarily force each other to win a bit.

    Ah, yes, the trumpet section.