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    Holy shit I would be dead if there was a case of beer for 5 bucks anywhere near me.

    As one of those kids in my youth, we don’t enjoy playing the anthem either.

    Depends on how you define “it.” If “it” is unity for the sake of unity then sure. If “it” is police and the American judicial system abusing their collective power to abuse, enslave and murder people of color, I think it’s safe to say, at least with this statement, it is getting no one talking.

    Perhaps even scores!

    I saw this on ESPN and was blown away. I immediately came here to find out what the catch was. Unfortunately with the Cowboys it is really hard to define.

    It’ll definitely not be enough for a club level membership.

    The line at the end of that is especially damning for just how much they curate a fictional reality (well besides the one you bolded of course).

    I am sure the stick to sprots crowd has righteously informed Trump to stick to ploitics.

    Good lord that is amazing to have gotten away with.

    The Sum of All (Melted Steel Beam) Ks or something.

    This is a lovely collection of short essays detailing why I should continue to get fat and old and never exercise ever. And also possibly live in a bathroom.

     Jersey Mike’s is just Subway for people who think a slow moving line and their highly processed meat product being sliced (before their very eyes! Behold the mighty whirling blade cutting the meat asunder!) from its highly processed meat product cube/ovoid in front of them makes it somehow fresh. I have nothing

    Tom Brady thinks earthquake victims in Mexico really just needed to work on their core strength.

    Oh wow. Stephen Jackson thinks he is a new social media user. Sick burn. Really called him out. I am sure Durant will lose all the sleep over not having some tiny dumb picture of himself or his dog or whatever.

    This times a million. They are a party that courts liberal ideas when it is meaningless then walks them back as soon as the field narrows. “At least we’re not Republican!” is the most bat shit nonsense strategy as proven by the fact that it lost to Trump himself.

    Maybe Valbuena took it as disrespect that he would serve up such a meatball and expect him to not take a big ol’ dump on it. Baseball asshats suck so much.

    Hey just throwing it out there, S2J only made it to Losers’ Finals not the Grand Finals at Shine.

    I grew up with my dad belonging to a (borderline cult) church preaching essentially that anything that wasn’t directly supporting your family or the church qualifying as a sin against god. Things like decorating a Christmas tree were a sin because you were glorifying an object in lieu of glorifying Jesus. He also

    They do or did a smaller scale version of this every summer in Dallas. It as gross and awesome as you would think. Except for the dude bros trying to bruise people’s kidneys. Also my dad telling me how much fun it was to squeeze the tomato juice down “chicks’ tits.” It was an interesting day.

    Paul Scheer used to have long hair AND play the lute!?