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    So how long before Scott Boras steps in and forces a team with a star QB to sign them to a 5 year injury guaranteed extension with a player option after year 1, 2, 3 and 4? How much could be extricated and how much would a dumbass fanbase hate that player for it?

    I figured that was the case. Still a solid dumb pun (and better than anything that popped into my brain).

    Ouch you got beaten to it by 8 short minutes.

    As a generally sane, rational person (or one who purports to be), I hate exclamation points. Just about everyone on this site makes good use of them though. World’s lamest good job, but good job!

    As someone who has been the recipient of an email he was not meant to receive essentially calling him an idiot, I thank you.

    Do you exclusively refer to Band Aids as medical adhesive strips?

    I don’t claim to know everything about this situation, but from the video, the police were there literally seconds after a speeding car smashed into a crowd of people. Unless you expect them to jump under the wheels in the hopes their slippery blood derails the car, it appears they did what they could. If you have

    I think number 4 is a bobsled that magically turns into a roller coaster?

    Gave you the star in spite of your lack of faith in us to get “passed her.”

    If only Texas wasn’t right to work...

    +1 Robot Chicken

    This plus the rest of the comments just makes me think of my favorite Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode.

    I disagree about Jersey Mike’s. It feels like waiting extra long for a shitty Subway sandwich because they slice your super processed not fresh in any way “meat” “fresh.” I am not claiming to be above garbo processed meat because I am not. I just annnoyed by the pretense that it is anything but that. That being said,

    Yeah I agree. It can definitely be good to engage if only to make you know and understand the science of why it is wrong.

    I am in a Facebook group (for entertainment only) called “Flat Eathers in Christ.” Their logical backflipping abilities know no bounds. My favorite posts are the ones that literally point out (essentially) that you have to work very hard to actually believe the planet is flat and how easy and simple it is to know the

    Happy Gilmore

    I was like half a second from biting on this. Not my proudest moment.

    In the spirit of the site while being too lazy to look up a .gif: why not both? If it can win an electiin, it can sure as hell sell some PPVs.

    Don’t toss tattoos and a cool hairstyle in the trash just because he is a dickweed.

    Cannot stress enough that it is soccergenomics, not to be confused with soccergonomics, which would actually make your kids not feel like shit.