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    I would watch this movie happily and then listen to the How Did This Get Made episode.

    Hermes Conrad would disagree.

    He very well could have been named after her dad or grandfather or whomever founded the railway and just coincidentally predicted his status as entitled rich dude asshole (i.e. her brother).

    Just stopping by to say that whoever wrote the world’s douchiest gatorade commercial made me want to hate George, although rationally I know he is just collecting a check. God I hate that commercial. I guess if I ever learn to make a basketball defy the laws of time and space I do know what beverage to drink while

    You guys get your sushi debate out of the Arrested Development thread, or at least throw a gratuitous quote in. Jeez...

    Enjoying “torture”/rough sex doesn’t make you fucked up. If it isn’t for you that is perfectly fine. If it is for you that is just fine too. What matters is that both people involved know what they are doing and do it willingly.

    I would go to the local Mongolian Grill style (fill up two bowls with meat, noodles, and veggies, add sauce and then watch it combined into one greasy delicious mess) place with family and polish off a big ass plate, make another, finish that, then make another with pineapple in it for “dessert.” I am dead if I even

    Because poor people at Applebee’s don’t tip like people with the disposable income to fly to Mexico and drop 600 bones on dinner. 600 dollars is probably total sales for a shift at a low end restaurant, at this place it is one person. Add in that once you have like 6 months serving experience you can be hired anywhere

    Seriously use your turn signal in a turn only lane. In a perfect world where no driver is an incompetent asshole, you wouldn’t need to. In this world where every driver is an incompetent asshole (fine, some drivers, whatever), if I see someone in a turn only lane without their signal on, I have to assume he or she is

    I don’t know what hammer siren/button means, but I don’t like it. Yes, I have chosen dumb emoji combinations as my curmudgeon hill to die on, why do you ask?

    This was definitely what I thought a couple paragraphs into the post.

    Just Devil’s Advocating here, but could Trumbo being signed last year (based on the post) be a reason? It still makes more sense to talk about someone who has been there a long time, but in his mind it seems at least possible he was just thinking about a signing of a power hitter from the year before in regards to not

    In many cases, while a ticket can include a gratuity, many restaurants allow their servers to decide whether or not to include the gratuity. For whatever dumb shit reason, a lot of people take offense that a server or restaraunt would dare ensure their own or their employee’s income and do not tip over an included

    This pretty apt, although I think the full line in the song ends with “goin’ down swingin’,” which unfortunately seems to be the least accurate part.

    Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I appreciate his work. I generally agree/disagree in varying shades of gray, but I appreciate a little bit of serious discussion amid the various snarkery. At some point I am sure they will start a site of some sort to bring the Gawkerites back to a central location, but I think the

    Probably a little too simple for a best of list, but I think Overcooked was one of the best games of the year without a doubt. It nails the simple to learn hard to master style, adds in a crap load of total craziness and they threw in a free holiday expansion with flame throwers. They also made an incredibly fun game

    The Bulls race really got held back by the announcer not being able to feign giving a shit.

    Bro or [female equivalent of bro, bra?], what is going on with those commas? Precisely zero of them should be there. I read the sentences like five times to make sure I wasn’t losing it. Just chill out with those commas.

    Thanks for taking the time to respond to all these questions (especially the more ass-hattery one(s)). I know this is a super brown nosey comment to make, but if these questions were being asked in person it would be a no brainer to say thanks to the person taking the time to thoroughly and intelligently respond. So

    I remember reading that Wilbon “piece.” I was working a poop job looking for writing to pass the time (I also found Deadspin around this time). I am a white dude, and I just remember reading it and asking myself, “Does this guy think all black people don’t understand math just because he apparently doesn’t?” I was