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    The people saying Quizno’s is on the same level as Subway are monsters. I don’t think it’s the best sandwich ever or anything, but Subway is basically leftover drainage sludge piled on bread. Quizno’s is at least decent, which is right where Jimmy John’s is (fun commercials and free smells notwithstanding).

    I agree, although I have also only really followed basketball since like 2008 or so, so I only know him for his “triangle still works basketball never evolves and even if it does triangle still works because I am awesome and recently ingested burning coals to make my voice sound this way” troll phase. Still, when you

    Sagat may have invented it, but Captain Falcon made it into an art form. A brutal, endlessly satisfying art form.

    I am going to try to do this in order because I agree and disagree in varying degrees (I know, too many -grees). Yes 2 of top 5, but LeBron was the obvious 1 by a wide margin for most. For the rest it seemed like it was almost always a “how valuable is the 3?” article.

    It’s more complicated than that though. Yes the running game is valuable. However, the rules changed to favor passing, so teams started passing like crazy. Teams started passing like crazy, so GMs starting building teams to stop the pass with lighter and faster players at positions that used to be primarily run

    If you enjoy the deep dives, explanations of formations and the reasoning and strategy behind them, you would probably enjoy Bill Barnwell’s work over at ESPN (lesser version of Zach Lowe of football) although ESPN’s garbage interface makes it difficult to find a specific writer’s work.

    I feel like I generally disagree with your opinions on comedy (you seem to have like a super specific niche of comics, possibly comic, that you like), but that is your right like anyone else. The only real issue I have is that you keep referencing Aziz Ansari’s performance as a fictional stand up comedian in Funny

    As funny as Romo can be, if you can seriously ask, “What does he have more of: kids or bolo ties? The hint is: both numbers are more than five,” I think the comedy gap legit widens.

    I think there is a small consideration for the curent climate in the NFL (pretending to care about safety) where the players are thinking (like a kneel down) if I jump this I am going to get 15 flags and give up a free play. The play is still bad, but if it was a real spike and got jumped all over, the story would

    Or they could have gotten rid of what was supposed to be a temporary tax entirely so we could keep our money. Let another city pay for it. I would like to keep my cash.

    The point is that taxpayers are paying for it instead of the two billionaires that own the Rangers and retain all the profits. Of course air conditioning would be great in Texas in July. The taxpayers shouldn’t be buying the building and AC units.

    I understand what you are saying, but she is basically a centrist candidate that chose a centrist VP. If she picks a VP that actually speaks to the left that voted against her in the primaries, she could round up some of the “protest vote” that went against her. It is obviously not a factor in non swing states, but it

    Fuck. I have been here for less than a year and enjoyed the snark/honesty/puns/selective trolling.

    +1 nerdy childhood memory

    +1 Clint Eastwood (Dirty Harry I think?) reference

    Hey fucking is the best cardio there is. I think “work” still applies.

    Ah sorry I should have been more clear. I was talking about the “low budget masterpiece” mentioned in whodunnit’s comment, not the one the blog is about.

    This ad was coming on every commercial break for me yesterday. The makeup and overall ridiculousness reminded me of 30 Rock’s Kim Jong Un.

    The stretch for PauL’Chaim Jones still gave me a hearty chuckle.

    Matisyahu? I know I am just being lazy now.