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    So if last names commonly originate from an old ancestor’s occupation, does Ramsower come from a long line of ram fuckers or ram artificial inseminators?

    -32 lives?

    Shea Serrano has earned more benefit of the doubt than that, man. he is a treasure (that sometimes writes goofy shit that acknowledges how goofy it is). One could even claim he is the Magary of Simmonsland.

    Just commenting to say I do the same thing.

    Everyone knows that’s a John Daly.

    I wish more of my friends had this attitude about Top Gun.

    This just teminds me that poker brings out the worst in most people. Tell people the rules of a game, and they generally have fun playing it. Tell them the game is about your ability to make people do what you want, and they turn into super bro assfaces. I have friends that I swear are not total shit heads that when

    As someone that grew up in a borderline culty church (best (worst?) approximate example of real preachering I heard: “Ladies, from here on out, if, during the sermon, you have a question about the sermon, just ask your husband, and he will explain it to you. If he cannot, he can ask me and explain my answer to you.”)

    My one hope for what will once again be the worst kind of NBA dumpster fire - Rick Carlisle sacrificing yet another 82 goats to somehow keep Dirk alive and drag a 7/8 seed out of a roster that has no business being in the playoffs - was that the team would be fun in a team chemistry/these at least seem like not

    Pop seems to be intelligent and able to form nuanced, informed opinions on any given topic while suggesting a delicious zinfandel to pair with your lamb chops (I am a wildebeest, so this is probably the incorrect pairing. Sorry, Pop.) That is to say, he would be outscreamed by the 2016 age of hawt taeks politics. He

    Maybe if more people wrote open letters about domestic abuse...? They seem to take the ones about touchdown celebrations seriously.

    Pretty sure I saw that hat on 30 Rock.

    This is some quality wordplay. I had a hearty chuckle.

    Haha you can taste the homophobia in every bite! We put chicken and two pickles between two pieces of bread! Revolutionary!

    People caring this much about fast food drives me insane. I live in Texas where everyone is constantly hurrrrr durrrr Whataburger is so good you have to have it hurrr durrr. No one in history has ever needed to try any fast food ever. Especially not fast food that requires a 20 minute wait and is cold 100 percent of

    I know Gregg Easterbrook is persona non grata around here, but he made a very valid point in regards to the future of football. The NFL (and NCAA) can afford to continue (relatively) endless litigation regarding player health and safety. The school districts (even rich private schools) that supply them with players

    Thanks I was very confused haha.

    Like the mall/Highlands area and eastward.

    I still live in Arlington, and just driving around I see about 50/50 (more vote no signs have been popping up recently). The encouraging(ish) thing to me is that the yes signs tend to be on public property, whereas if an actual human being puts a sign in front of their home it, it is almost universally a no sign.

    With no benefits!