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    I live like five minutes from where they want want to do this. There are actually some nice hills and greenery there. If you drive about 3 minutes in any direction the other descriptions are accurate though.

    AIM (as us “youngs”at the time called it; we are now “olds” (embedded parentheses! I just turned 30 and am trying to make as many old jokes about myself to make it seem like I am totally cool with it)) was very helpful for making friends and communicating with them. It was text messaging and mini-Facebook rolled into

    Nothing to say except that I agree.

    I just don’t agree that he shouldn’t be held responsible for his actions. Just because he is brown doesn’t make him immune. I understand being uneasy because of the way some crappy people use flawed logic to claim things like “black people are the REAL racists” and things of that nature. That still doesn’t make what

    Weirdly, the 21-year-old was actually an economics student trying Moschel about the long term financial impact of a grown man apparently with a family somehow purchasing a Vikings inflatable, Vikings duct tape, an inflator motor of some sort, and the electricity required to power said motor. He appears to have not

    You are definitely correct in that people should be offended and upset by teams and fans that approve/tolerate racist stereotypes. I was just disagreeing with the idea that that is the only place it should be directed. It should still be directed at Pedro as well. The two are not and should not be mutually exclusive.

    This is completely unrelated, but back in the day I used to play Madden with the Titans (is that the right team? I am too lazy to look it up) just to taunt my friends with a My Sharona parody composed purely of “nuh”s and shouting “ROB BIRONAS” instead of “my Sharona.” I was and am an obnoxious ass.

    Who knew Chief Wahoo would make people think it was totally cool to be racist?

    You are almost certainly correct about where he learned a racist stereotype. However, every racist white person learned their racism from a white person as well. Not holding someone responsible for their racism on the basis of where they learned it is both intellectually dishonest and excuses every person’s bad

    I know I am late to the party, but the point of him is precisely to be safe. As is stated in the post, a VP generally varies from zero to negative effect. Clinton would have a record setting level of dislike among voters if it wasn’t for her running against a rotting pile of jack-o-lanterns carved with toe nail files.

    Your post is very frustrating. You go through the effort of stating in great detail every argument that billionaires use to get public funding. These are all reasons that, on the surface, sound perfectly logical. That is why they are used. The insidious part is that you acknowledge that you will never both to read the

    It seems like he is saying he would, at the moment take the home team in a head to head match up, but feel more confident the Vikings would win against any random team in the NFL. Also if “more balanced” = “better” as is generally believed, then criticizing him for saying they “feel more balanced” instead of “feel

    Does anyone remember when Thirteenth Floor (poorly) did this (basically, slightly different) same thing with the ‘20s? I mean this in a “let’s remember some [movies]” kind of way. I always thought it was a cool idea, and I will definitely be checking out the show.

    I was thinking this exact thing reading the article. Well that and it seems a little odd that it seems like it’s the same people who claim teh illegalz r takin r jawbs are the ones who feel like the athletes earning the money don’t deserve a cut of it. Of course I also live in Texas where every bad opinion is born.

    I am going to play devil’s advocate a bit here and say the quote is probably being interpreted a bit out of context. If I remember correctly in the interview where he explained why he was sitting down, he was also asked if he had personally felt any discrimination. He responded that he had. I am going to give Harrison

    Haha you get it.

    My brain on drugs.

    It makes me sad what qualifies as a tremendous flip of the bat (I mean this as a criticism of very little flipping to begin with, not the use of the adjective). Walk off home run in extra innings? Flip that shit to the moon! Toss it into the stands for the fans (this is a dangerous and bad idea)! Flip it so hard sap

    I was discussing this with a couple of friends, and this was the point that for some reason they did not get (read: I am a bad point maker.) The flag/anthem doesn’t represent the military. It represents the American people for whom they fight and sacrifice. It scares me to think that people see the flag or hear the