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    +1 gun rack

    Both halves of FOOTBALL start with KICK offs. Look at this shit. Greg fucking Zuelein outscored every WR/RB/TE in the league. How many goals did Cristiano Ronaldo score in his best 16 games this year? Was it even close to 86? Because that’s how many points Greg Zuerlein, the 26th best kicker in the NFL scored. And

    I live in Arlington, and it’s been weirdly sobering to suddenly have my suburb-grown-city all of the sudden be pulled into a much larger fight by sleazy, self-promoting politicians and greedy billionaires. When “Dallas” was the catchall term for the metroplex, it felt much easier to kind of point and think, “those

    He beat them up too?

    If it makes you feel any better this was just a reference to an old Deadspin post that was a “if you had a radio show, what would it be called” name generator. [Two dumb radio monikers]’s Morning Sports Holocaust was one of the possible outcomes. If you were already aware, then feel free to ignore me.