Yeah the whole rocket and guidance system parts are just a gimme. Your a fucking idiot
Yeah the whole rocket and guidance system parts are just a gimme. Your a fucking idiot
Well if it was 2 am in LA I doubt the streets were that barren but where I’m from there wouldn’t be another soul on the streets. And as long as your not hurting anyone and blasting around blind corners mehhh.
Yeah end publicly funded hotel rooms, Ugghh wait a second?? Idiot
Yeah oh man that billion dollars I was going to make instead of 2 billion isn’t worth my fucking time, your a dumb douche bag get off it.
Your an idiot and history has shown the exact opposite multipe times
Maybe not scary but the pieces of trash def do bring the vibe down
Only if you had another 3 or 4 last place seasons right? Oh wait the process is still going strong. Now your just like a Lebron James and a Devin Durant away from being contenders idiot.
You an idiot, the Taino were in Cuba before the Spanish and the country is a majority mixed. White superiority complex, were white really!!
no the reason you see that is because most police nowadays are mental and scoial rejects who have such insecurities with their manliness and position of power they live their life 24/7 trying to project what they imagine to be their ideal. aka douche canoes. These cops are chilling having a laugh because it is fucking…
Youll be lucky to be in the playoffs in 2 years haha a decade of the worst basketball in the history of the sport to be right back where you were. Perfection haha.
The horrorrrrr!!! That car should be pointed in the other direction sitting stationary on the side of the road fucko!!!
Doesn’t it need a 5k engine out service, things nice but fuck that.
You should look at the upgrades over the base, the brakes, suspension, the engine, it’s pretty nice
Maybe not, do you ever think there’s part of the country who may be ignorant of , meaning not informed about, gender issues and seeing 37 gender identities looks absolutely asinine and ridiculous. I’m a pretty liberal straight white male and it looks ridiculous to me. Why are gay people so obsessed with having 5…
Add the 10 dollar a month insurance option that gives you year newer replacement
So your an idiot then?
Needs another 100 hp before it’s not complete dog shit.
Why because he wasn’t a cheerleader for Hillary?? Who doesn’t have the best track record with helping out “super predators.” Just because a bunch of old black career politicians support her doesn’t mean they all do. How is saying America hasn’t completely moved past racism, by being a witness, being insulated?
Your the one whos wrong, he clarified and stated he never endorsed him and was commenting on one very specific aspect of the Trump phenomona, you dick head bully. You think you’d have a lot in common with Trump.
Hey man it only counts when it’s an ideal female body, when the dudes a ripped shit house in a leather thong it’s the men being empowered.