Hes taking a slow ass line and just burning his tires like a fucking idiot
Hes taking a slow ass line and just burning his tires like a fucking idiot
Its probably a 1000 dollar cashmere sweater
The chrome trim pieces around the windows are so tacky Asian rich
Just bt the virtue of owning a fire arm to protect yourself your a fucking idiot. Your more likely to injure yourself than protect yourself with it so yes concealed carry licensees are irresponsible pussies.
And be right back to competing for that high seeded play off spot hahahaha
Yeah you’ll be lucky to be jockying for it after 6 years of D league basketball haha. So win I guess?
Thats not how solid metal works at all or foam - Antenna Engineer.
That explaination is from a pair of idiots with no antenna experience. If it’s solid metal , no traces, it’s probably reflecting the signal from antenna off of it out of the controller to boost signal strength. Isolating other freqeuncies would take a lot more than a piece of tape unless it was coming from inside the…
I think it’s amazing in a really good way
* And everyone before him
Lebron would dominate Rodman, he might throw an elbow to the back of his head after but thats just being a human piece of shit. Whats your argument? That Lebron becomes not the best basketball player on Earth if guys put him on the line for 2 instead letting him dunk? He’d still put up 30 on them.
Lets be real if Lebron wanted to he could body anyone of those bitches in their prime. He probably weighs more than them. Definitely more athletic.
You could probably sit with your legs crossed with your ass out of the water if one of them is enough to support your body. Either that or some of these dudes couldnt swim , maybe the heavy weapons idk.
Because speeding in boats is awsome
Yeah he’s an asshole but you’ve never been a reckless asshole with your friends around? That’s what friends are for, get a fucking life. I’ve been in numerous situations with friends that could have turned out like this but didn’t. Know what I call them now, a good fucking time and great memories. Just like this…
Not legal in California, they have no non compete agreements. You can redesign from experience which would still take years to design circuits make lay outs and art work even with previous experience, you can’t down load the circuit file designed at Google to your new company send it to the vendor and use them as your…
His pants are baggy? Do you mean in the thigh were there’s absolutely no space left? His legs are tapered and the length is perfect. Just because your a twink that weighs 150 pounds as a supposed man doesn’t mean everyone else is. It’s standard cut and well tailored. Everyone shouldn’t look like they’re on a long…
They look fine not everyone wears suit pants that look painted on. Tight and tailored is on it’s way out in high fashion douche bag.
Thanks the only thing that’ll happen is manufacturers sticking some of their bigger engines in pre existing cars in America. They’re not going to invest millions on development when they can’t sell them abroad and the regulations could come back 4 years from now. Hes just flapping his fat mouth off.
Yeah I’m sure American car companies will just say hey lets invest 100 of millions of dollars on cars we can sell to just Americans, because Europe and China (who are tightening pollution laws) don’t have their own regulations. Oh and when this dipshit is out of office in 4 years the regulations come back. The best…