Him accepting his ROY in a wheelchair three years after being drafted is going to be the picture they use in the dictionary definition of “The Process.”
Him accepting his ROY in a wheelchair three years after being drafted is going to be the picture they use in the dictionary definition of “The Process.”
If Belichick wears a blazer to work instead of his usual hoodie, is he still subject to the same kind of sarcastic “why you dressed up; gotta big interview?” comments from coworkers that the rest of business-casual hell has to deal with? I really hope so.
Lol, “rookie”
Hopefully only half of them, the other half having died from old age, heart disease, alcoholism, not wearing a seatbelt, and generally being unable to acquire the health care they can not afford because Pres. Dump.
I think plenty of teams would love Cutch; they just don’t want to give up a package for a skill guy entering his 30s that would be more appropriate for a young stud.
Or, to put it another way, if I want to sell my Camry, but I’m asking $50k for it... the problem isn’t that nobody wants my Camry.
Only if you had another 3 or 4 last place seasons right? Oh wait the process is still going strong. Now your just like a Lebron James and a Devin Durant away from being contenders idiot.
Compared to the air in China, the pepper spray might have been refreshing.
Bumgarner is a douchebag who gets mad if people make eye contact with him, or run around the bases too slowly (or too quickly) on a homerun. He’s a great pitcher, and he’s also a cunt. I hope the Giants get swept.
The real issue is grown men who buy sports jerseys and support this.
I’m trying to push the theory that Bill “stick his dick in everything” Clinton gave Hillary HIV that has turned into full blown AIDS from the stress of campaigning and her immune system is shot which is why she has pneumonia. She’s got a maximum 2 years to live and is only living due to a 2k a day cocktail of anti…
The NFL seems like the kind of place that would have a bunch of non-practicing lawyers in its front offices who’d enjoy bickering over the language for this stuff, but they’re not getting the job done. I never thought I’d say this, but it might be time for them to call in a philosopher.