For a bunch of tough jocks this seems extremely _______.
For a bunch of tough jocks this seems extremely _______.
Bracing for impact is launching yourself head first at something , they’re assholes and they’re trying to hurt somebody. I agree at this point theyve been doing it so long that it’s instinctual.
Nah, he dove at the ball carrier with the top of his head. He got what he asked for. If he approached with his head up and and wrapped the guy up initiating contact with his chest and shoulders he would have been A+
Thats cute but your supposed to turn the fuck around when your backing up in a car. No one cares that some fat ass lifer white trash truck driver can do it with his mirrors.
Shit is scary I banged my head off the bottom of a half pipe snowboarding and it shut me off for a quick second and I immediately sat up and was like oh fuck. Sat there to see if I felt any symptoms and luckily I was pretty good no dizziness, confusion etc. I can’t imagine having done worse than that multiple times…
Yeah that completely absolves people for having to feel bad when some one goes brain dead on the field you dumb trash.
Can’t get laid by a girl that respects herself? Haha the gym muscles and tribal tattoos not working haha.
I think hes just saying being a decent person isn’t going the extra mile like a lot of douche bags think. It’s just being a human being and not a piece of shit.
Its not that dangerous, being a fucking fisherman is more so.
White male here, Ive had cops have their hand on their hip all the time approaching the car. So the real lesson here is cops are assholes.
Yes sensor everything that puts our new leader in a bad light.
Seriously the thing looks bigger than his house haha. I probably wouldn’t care but Id defenitely be like wtf.
Being the highest paid state employee, more than the govnaaa and lots of career pull of course. How old white men have been pulling tail for centuries.
There’s 0 chance management didn’t know the entire time.
Not way better, on the cusp of good. They haven’t won a single playoff game.
He cries during the national anthem
Didn’t get a job like the rest of them though did you little bitter fuck hahaha
Your never getting it back. We have machines that do those jobs now and do them better. Learn a fucking skill. Trump isn’t giving shit back to anyone who’s no more valuable than an answering machine.
Un educated is un educated, not stupid. It just means I know things people are willing to pay for and they clean shitters for a living. Can see why they’re angry can’t you?
You mean the 15 to 45 year old MMA crowd