
Ya know....gettin’ a liiiitle tired of your attitude here, Alford. Always lookin’ for for some equality and fairness....Ooooo! Lets help people struggling to survive a pandemic! Let’s help groups that have been fucked over for generations maybe finally get shot to make a better life! Waddya, some kinda human being or

Wait, you're looking at him in those pictures and deciding he looks better WITHOUT facial hair? That looks like a dude I'd cross the street to avoid walking too close to.

“I could shoot someone on First Street and get away with it.” along with “I love stupid people.” were transparent, accurate, and honest.

The best example of a man who can do both (facial hair and no facial hair) is Chris Evans. Also known as Best Chris. Cheekbones and jawline of a god, but can grow a mighty fine beard.

Looks like Guy Pearce if he sold AmWay instead of being an actor.  

Or have an eidetic memory.

He seems to be trying to make that right. I will give him a moment to fix his mistakes.

JFC thank you for saying this. It was GWB who said he had to “get over the filter” of the press to talk to the American people. Apparently fact checkers are filters now. It was Reagan and Bush who started this anti intellectual train and beliefs trounce facts.

Maybe you can think of it along the lines of Dante’s Inferno, where treachery and fraud occupy the bottom two circles of hell. If your sin is deep enough to land you here, then prison time is justified and deserved.

Lol, so basically all the interspecies predators with a pathological deficit of empathy and compassion—or put another way, people too dangerous to society to just be out and walking around.

I’m for prison abolition except for white collar crime. Basically, just serial killers and white collar criminals in jail together.

Seriously, is anything associated with Trump not a grift?

You can’t. There are people who run scams to make money because that’s how they eat, and then there are people who run scams because they think it’s funny. The latter are, if not sociopaths, unredeemable.

Should have gone with the Jeff Winger defense instead

This is one of those very few situations that shakes my general position as being pro-prison abolition. Like most fraud, this was clearly a deliberated upon scheme to cheat people perpetratrated by a person with plenty of options and prospects. I don’t know how you rehabilitate whatever it is that makes a person

Play stupid games, win lengthy sentences in jail,

“Shows such as Suits led John Lambert to believe he could ‘practice’ at being a lawyer by performing tasks that he believed would be beneficial to his customers without significant risk, just as the character ‘Mike Ross’ in ‘Suits’ practiced law without a law degree or license and kept that secret without penalty,”

Cheney seems to think she is battling Trumpism alone. But Trumpism is the entirety of the Republican Party. Trump is the natural conclusion of the anti-intellectualism and state sponsored fake news ushered in by Bush and her father. McCain and Palin entrenched it. Trump is simply benefiting from the ground work laid

Somewhere Susan Collins is nodding to herself and maybe cringing a little. The range of acceptable behavior has receded to lap on her spineless, equivocating shores. They’ll come for you next, Susan.