
yea KT there has some good advice. Although I found I could play games a little bit when they were really tiny (first 3mo) and sleeping all the time. But the overlying advice is put your family first. If you think your life is going to remotely be the same, your kidding yourself. I don’t mean that in a bad way though.

If you don’t have kids you have 10% of his adult qualms.

Shut up old man!

They’ve been extremely successful at pushing this one. Again, the right are masters at projection and mental gymnastics.

Screw Anonymous as well. They are like the edgy teenage Wikileaks

There’s a rally scheduled on January 20. It’s called “inauguration.” On election night, there was a rally called a “victory speech.” That is enough to satisfy most president-elects, at least those whose primary concern is “governing.”

Campaign aides had previously indicated that Trump, who fed off the energy of large crowds during the campaign, was hoping to continue holding similar rallies during the transition and possibly beyond.

1) If you want to win an election, it’s not enough that your opponent is a hateful fucknut. If your own candidate doesn’t inspire people, you will lose.

I just took that shower, because even though I’m not sure I’m 100% ready to work, I’ve got to start trying anyway, so I don’t drown in sadness. I don’t know how else to carry this shit.  

If I may... I would like to share a response I placed on FB today to a friend of mine who said we should love and embrace Trump Supporters: “If you had seen the terror on the faces of my Muslim colleagues and the horror on the faces of my Muslim students, and the collective and utter disbelief of all of my colleagues

Hopefully today will be my first full day of work. Yesterday I was sent home, “not as a reprimand, but to calm down and get some perspective.”

Well, then you missed the hissy fitting when they got called out in the comments. Ain’t no hurt feelings like white male privilege hurt feelings.

As I’ve said in the Deadspin/Concourse comments several times at this point: if you truly have nothing to lose in this election, congratulations on your extreme privilege. The rest of us will vote based on what’s at stake for us. (that’s targeted toward the bs in that post, not you, to clarify)

My dad moved here in the 70s, leaving behind a corrupt South American government in an intense drug war. When he left this comment on my voting picture (holding my two year old son), I had to go to the bathroom and compose myself. We are lucky to have this tool called voting. “I came here at seventeen with a dream

I voted for Clinton the Working Families ticket. Because, as this viral twete puts it,

I got halfway through the Deadspin version (and I usually like them!) before my eyes rolled out of my head and across the floor so I couldn’t read anymore.

I’m thinking it’s not shade but a well executed, multi-level burn.

Alex Pareene’s self-important explanation for why he may or may not deem voting in a presidential election worthy of his time was the single worst thing I have read this election season.