
Fight Club pretty much did end on a “fuck all that shit” beat. It’s not the movie’s fault that some people didn’t understand/willfully misunderstood what it was saying and decided it was about “WHOA MANLY BROS BEING BROS SO COOL” instead of taking the movie as intended (ie. “Toxic Masculinity: The Movie”).

I know, it was a joke. I asked a kid from there if Goldie Wilson was still the mayor and he was clueless as to what I was talking about. 

Re Flaxman I looked it up and university of San Diego has a 53 percent acceptance rate! 

In normal times you would be Godwinning this thread. These are not normal times.

Today the vast majority of men and women will marry at some time in their lives- by age 70 nearly 96% of men and women have been married at some point in their lives- so that’s still in effect.

You know how you read a video’s description and then watch the video only to find out the headline was greatly exaggerated or outright untrue? This ain’t that video. It was exactly what was described. I don’t know what I was expecting...

For any non-parents who are wondering if this is just the new normal or whatever, my son is 9 years old and his interneting consists of selections from the “floof” cannon and Paddington’s Twitter account (which is pure, undiluted JOY, by the way - read it when you are having a crap day). And he has an iPad and

If she’s 9 isn’t she in violation of the terms of service for basically all the sites shes using?

Thanks for weighing in, TJ.

I think we’re at the stage of the origin story where the whole of Gotham loves the Penguin.

Body blow! Body blow! Uppercut! Left! Left!

Now playing

Track: Blue Monday [Live in Glasgow] | Artist: New Order | Album: Power, Corruption & Lies

We were out to dinner with my father in-law. He told the waitress his order, then pointed at my 12 year old son and said “and he’ll have a shit sandwich”.

“You’re running into it wrong.”

Seems like Apple’s typical, arrogant approach to User Interface to me...

Classic Apple, putting the subjective nonsense a megalomaniac ahead of usefulness. Prettiness =/= good design. If i build a wall that is so invisible that people walk into it is terrible design.

If she was 18, you wouldn’t be ashamed to say that she’s a little hot piece of ass.

Right? I mean, if you can’t stop the technology altogether or police the entire Internet, then why bother moderating your own website at all? Any rule that’s possible to thwart isn’t worth having, amiright? If you can’t provide a total, instant solution, embrace the problem! High five, brah. Now let’s go watch Fake

How dare you soil Darth Vader’s name by comparing him to Trump?

My thinking is that all companies do this to some degree, although, the HOW is the difference. The last one I worked for did it with bonuses. For instance, a few years ago, had a team of about 60 project managers. For the whole group, had a 1% bonus per employee “allowance” for bonuses. The choice was to give everyone