
So, what are the implications for the Standard Model if we find a particle that isn’t in it?


This works in Kerbal Space Program because the planets are tiny relative to what their mass really ought to be, so, climbing the tallest hill on the planet gets you significantly closer to orbit. Unfortunately, in the real world, orbital altitude is much higher, and you don’t get much savings from launching from a

So... basically this is the new Burning Man ?

I love how “unknown” beats FreeBSD.

Um... explain to me how Billionaire Boy is going to send people to Mars using a slightly-larger cargo lift vehicle but without any sort of actual crewed spaceship?

Said it before and I’ll say it again. There are two problems and they’re both fatal.

I found the amount of cruelty and violence directed towards young women in the book to be truly excessive and creepy, and I’m really not the sort of guy who reads things looking for excuses to get offended. They had better tone that shit down A LOT for the TV adaptation, or it is not going to go over well in the

I’m going to blow your mind and tell you that my friend the Google developer has no college degree at all. Google can hire whoever the fuck they want. They are not and do not have to be all from MIT or CalTech.

If I thought I knew more or less just when the crypto crash was going to arrive, I would.

Nailed it. (You forgot “upload into giant anime robots”, but otherwise.)

No. Two problems, both fatal to widespread adoption. 1) Doesn’t scale: the blockchain grows without limit and coin mining requires exponentially increasing amounts of computational work. 2) Solves a non-problem: regular money already exists and is infinitely more convenient as a medium of exchange for all things —

Even before the Trumpian Era, the State of the Union had degenerated into totally hokey scripted political theater that makes WWE look dignified. The Constitution sort of requires that we continue to have it, but the Constitution says nothing about citizens being required to watch or listen over any medium whatsoever.

Surely I can’t be the first one to point out that the State of the Union is mandatory, per Article II, Section 3 of the United States Constitution. “[The President] shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union...” So this little prendre chaude of yours is going to require a

This is hilarious because last month I realized that I didn’t have to go through this anymore and I could just buy a mid-range gaming-ready PC. It wasn’t even appreciably more expensive than the sum of its parts. And I plugged it in and turned it on and started using it and it worked and if it does break I get to send

So this is it, yes? This is getting old? When the world seems to have permanently and irrevocably lost its mind, and every day only brings fresh permutations of things that make no sense?

Fetch me my cane, and my belt-onion, and then begone off my lawn, you whippersnappers. Tentacle not-rape Kickfunding mumble grumble

Um, that is literally a clear plexiglass box. I’m pretty sure you can do this yourself if you feel like with stuff from Fry’s.

Those humans will be Musk and his rich buddies fleeing the husk of the dying Earth. It’s not going to be the science fiction story you wanted.

So they’re up to a 50% non-catastrophic-loss rate? Solid.

Hey, we have a Russian agent in the White House, why not let them have the Senate too? #whatcouldpossiblygowrong