So, message to my fellow men: This behavior is a huge sign of immaturity.
So, message to my fellow men: This behavior is a huge sign of immaturity.
One NYE of 1999 I arrived in New Orleans with no money or place to stay. I walked to the French Quarter since that’s all I “knew” about the city. I saw a woman sweeping the sidewalk in front of a store with an old fashioned broom and asked if she knew of anywhere I could work in exchange for food credit. She asked me…
So this email scandal is what makes her “uncommonly worse” than most politicians? Give me a break. If “most politicians” were only as bad she is or better, this country would be 100 x better off. Taking money from lobby and special interest groups in exchange for screwing over constituents by bending over for these…
Seriously, I hate how much all of this has made me sour on Sanders so much.
Which is a thing he’s totally entitled to do if he has enough money to do it (which, frankly, people in their 70s ought to be able to easily afford after a lifetime of work), except that it is something he and his worst supporters were so fucking sanctimonious about during the primaries.
I greatly enjoyed the Sanders die-hards during the convention who were so focused and zealous that their tone became “the biggest impediment to Bernie Sanders being elected is Bernie Sanders and if it wasn’t for Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders would be the Democratic candidate for president right now. Down with Bernie…
He’s not that dangerous and I honestly just don’t really like Hillary. She didn’t really make me feel anything last night, so ya know, whatever.
Women and minorities have been dutifully pulling the lever for white men for decades (when they were allowed to at all) and you never heard from them even a fraction of the hysterics that Sanders supporters have been displaying during the DNC because they didn’t get their #1 choice.
The remaining holdouts are going to be just as statistically insignificant as the PUMAs for McCain in 2008. There are bitter cranks in every election and it’s a little silly we’re hyperventilating about them so much this time around.
I wish I had this on a t-shirt. Even better, I’d like to send it to every privileged white person I know who is currently yapping away about how poor Bernie “never had a chance” and the Democrats should have come up with a better candidate. Yeah. They’re thick on the ground, aren’t they? Hillary Clinton may not have…
Jason is partially Bernie’s doing, and now Bernie needs to clean up his mess.
Yah. I did so much stupid shit when I was 18 (I voted for Bush! and I’m black! that made no sense).
Bernie or bust confuses me more than anything. Mr. Sanders himself has endorsed Hillary Clinton. He has said flat out "Vote for her because anything else will risk a Trump presidency." So when the candidate himself says don't fucking vote for me what justification do you have to continue to vote for him?
Democratic Party
“I won’t vote for anybody but Bernie. I am voting for Trump.”
Cherry: Hillary voted twice for war, Bernie voted twice against war. Every human being has value.
It’s really a sickening feeling and makes me want to hate everyone for the rest of my life.
On the one hand, fuck her, she’s a cold-blooded murderer and I’m glad she’s not getting out. On the other hand, if this weren’t a famous case she’d have been out by now and perhaps cooler heads should be making the call, free from political pressure, about whether someone is still a danger to others and when, if ever,…
He’ll have to die first, before the rest of them can get paroled easily, if they are incarcerated in California.