
Just for the record I love you and your work.

I couldn’t write that review because I’ve actually seen several seasons worth of Sex and the City. (It was OK, but Girls was better.) I’m really not Comic Book Guy and I don’t think nerd culture is any sort of hill to die on, but this was a cheap and lazy take.

I like Ana and Jezebel both, but yes, they do do exactly this.

Y’all already published the “Tee hee! I’ve never heard of Star Wars!” article when the last one came out.

This shit? This shit right here? This is why I don’t play video games anymore. Pouring endless hours and endless stress into my job/career is bad enough, but at least I get paid for doing that. Do it all over for free during my so-called “leisure time”? No. No thank you.

But do they turn you into a Cyberman?

Cockroaches do not use units of measure.

He really is all about the projection, all of the time, isn’t he?

These “nanocraft” would basically be one-shot cameras flung towards the destination at very, very high speed. If we were lucky they’d have a chance to take one or two pictures of the exoplanet before hurtling on into the Big Dark forever. New Horizons got an infinitely better look at Pluto than this thing would get to

Don’t worry: Jason wasn’t ever going to actually vote.

Whatever you do, stay off my Facebook feed. You might die. (I might die.)

We’re hyperventilating this time around for a good reason. Whereas John McCain or Mitt Romney would have made shitty Presidents, we’re all pretty sure that the country and the planet would have still been there eight years later, nevertheless. No one is at all certain of this when it comes to President Trump, which is

If sexing your wife is boring you’re not getting dirty enough.

The lowest-energy (requiring the least “tech”) way of getting to another planet is called a Hohmann transfer. Using a Hohmann transfer, it takes a little over six years to get from Earth to Saturn; the departure “window” comes up a little less than once a year.

No one has done more to rehabilitate Hillary Clinton and DWS in my eyes than the Bernie Bros.

OMFG these people have no idea how politics works

I want to know when Ansolo, Chet Haze, and Gabe Day are going to form the superdouche supergroup we all deserve. That’s a thing that needs to happen.

Good: I will never get Alzheimer’s.

Yet another media outlet cherry-picks outlying polls to push the “horserace” narrative. Clinton ahead by every metric but Romney, er I mean Trump, has the “momentum” and the “intangibles”. Let’s check in with some Republicans and their “gut feeling” next, anything to avoid reporting the fact that, barring some extreme

Dear aggrieved person,