
See also acne, depression, being bipolar, having had a c-section, if you survived domestic abuse, pregnancy, allergies, asthma, diabetes, autism, ADD, HIV/AIDS, and the list goes on and on. Basically, everything is a pre-existing condition. And don’t think its just those who are currently covered under Obamacare, this

Historical documentation on the AP and Reuters copy editors’ treatment of Bush, Obama and Trump, respectively. Hold on while I contact the Smithsonian.

So is anyone else getting into prepping? Maybe I’ve watched too much of The Handmaid’s Tale and the Walking Dead, but with this twisted fucking reality we’re living in, I’m seriously starting to feel like I need to begin collecting shit for a go bag or some sort of survival kit.

Donald Trump thinks a “high risk pool” is when there’s a black person swimming at Mar-A-Lago.

I don’t agree with this characterization. She basically raised her. It’s not like Caitlyn came into the picture when Khole was on her way out of high school or something. I agree that no one is obligated to continue a relationship with anyone, but it’s really kind of silly to act to characterize Khloe’s relationship

The real news here is that there are still Bebe stores open at all.

What did your experiences on the bus have to do with this specific story about an altercation on a plane? The answer to both is nothing, but you’re the one who opened that Pandora’s Box with your original, apropos of nothing, and tone deaf comment.

So you’ve had your moment(s) of weakness, but she’s not allowed hers. I understand now.

“Offer up a reason”? In what world do people explain their medical situation on public transit to fend off others’ pissy judgment?

“Hey guys, atttention, everyone near me on the bus! My kid has major sensory processing issues, I just thought I would announce that loudly to you all to make sure you all know I’m not just

I would think the main reason she did not check the stroller is the obvious. Would you want to carry two toddlers and a carry on through the huge and time consuming airport process???

You don’t know this woman’s life. There are plenty of reasons she might have needed to fly with her children.

Bottom line....so what? Showing emotion in front of your kids is not a bad thing.

Sometimes people fail. And hopefully they learn from their moments of outwardly seeming weakness.

seriously. pissed off anyone would defend this behavior with ‘anyone who has worked in customer service...’

Don’t bring a stroller on to a plane

Objection! Why is mom-who-brought-folding-stroller-on-plane not only a dick but the first dick in your estimation? I bet you that mum with her two babies is a reasonably prepared planner, aware of whether her items could fit in available overhead space.

Do you/have you had young kids? Flying alone with two babies is intense. I think many parents would break down pretty easily in that situation. It makes me feel empathy, not embarrassment.

I know you’re trying to make a joke but, truly, in flying hundreds of hours across the globe, I’ve never witnessed babies and children behaving anywhere near as badly as most adults. And even babies or make a fuss (when forced to travel in a small eardrum-splitting tube with no sense of agency or control over their

You should try reading. You learn amazing things called facts when you do that. Such as she was given permission to bring the stroller on board and store it in the cabin.