
I found out yesterday that I’m pregnant. I wonder how long I’ll have insurance.....can anyone do a home C-section for me so that it doesn’t bankrupt my family? I won’t scream too loud, I promise. Thanks

I can’t imagine she chose to fly with two small babies for fun party timez. She could have been visiting family, maybe a partner works overseas etc. You can’t drive or take the bus everywhere.

Totally right. She should stay home and never leave until those kids are well behaved adults.

I’m a regular rider of public transit. And I constantly run into situations where Mom’s get on the bus with the kid still in the stroller. It’s not a baby in one of those easy to fold up “umbrella strollers” either. I’m talking about full grown toddlers​ in SUV styled, heavduty, 8-wheeled strollers. Seriously, would

As a public transportation rider with a baby who is often in his stroller, yes sometimes I cant take him out. My hands are full or the stroller caddy has our groceries in it and I can’t hold him and all that stuff all at once and fold a stroller and swipe my transit pass and then carry it all on the bus while I’m

She’s not a dick for wanting to bring her stroller on the plane. Some of them can be folded up very small and stored. According to the story she had asked an employee if that was ok. Even when I valet checked my stroller on my last flight it took like 15 minutes to get it to me and trying to wrangle my baby and all of

A college buddy of mine had a bad experience with the stuff. During a late night drunken hookup, fumbling around a dorm room in the dark, a tube of St Ives was mistaken for something more lube-y less scrubby. Ouch

No woman should ever fuck Tucker Carlson again.

I’ll think of you every time I call someone a shit filled slim Jim from now on. I intend to put it in heavy rotation. Thank you.

Holy hell I love people. Yeah, they’re cheeky Russian “antics” that all of us snowflake participation trophy liberal whiners are making up. He’s gross. You know who I bet got a participation trophy? Tomi Lauren’s colorist on graduation day from Empire Beauty School in that strip mall next to the Wal-Mart. She’s gross

This sounds like solitication of rape

Bertolucci should be in jail.

Exactly. Ugh. Poor girl. She should add a juicy bit of blackmail to the email and hope that it shuts her friend up for a good long while.

I’m picturing Trump intently listening to School House Rock

Sometimes really smart women feel so dumb about being with complete jackasses that they stay to try to ride out the dumb storm in the hopes that he will turn his shit around and she can regain some of her self respect. Also, kids and embarrassment.

“Thank God Almighty I didn’t bang that dude” Nancy O’Dell’s inner voice

Same. I feared for her physical safety

You’re right. Babies that feel lots of fear and sadness grow up to be well adjusted adults. You should write a parenting guide!

Man I feel for that mom, I really do. I tried to let my baby cry it out. I lasted about 8 minutes before I went in to comfort him. I swear I’d rather never sleep again than let him feel one second of fear or sadness.

First, CONGRATULATIONS! So many excites! Second, it is def to be scared of. I called a few times to go over scenarios with my insurance and this decidedly life ruining amount of money was not one of the possibilities. I had a low deductible that I had already almost met. So I felt really confident about this NOT