
Because the people she’s catering to want the women of their sexual fantasies (seriously, she wouldn’t have this show if she was fat and not young-looking) to be blonde, even if it’s just bottle blond.

With the heat of a thousand suns.

Best take away: “I don’t see color.”

Seriously, fuck her

I hate this woman. There, I said it.

I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

Which only makes the story that much more inexcusable.

Don’t bee such a buzz kill

It really is getting SO damn tiresome.

Yes, but in Epcot you can drink around the world.

Except that this ignores voter suppression and the fact Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. She won because she had real, achievable plans to bring jobs to Blue Collar Americans while Trump actually just has a catch phrase, a whole lot of racist rhetoric, and no plans or intentions to make any lives but his own

Moving it from the Hollywood Dead Zone to their prime market window speaks to a lot of confidence in the final product. This is good news.

Because he’s Venkman. that’s the gag. Always found that quite amusing.

Yay for Stockholm Syndrome. But he’s hot on the inside, so that’s OK! #furries

Attempting to have fun only make you look like an idiot. Just don’t.

Costume looks cool. Maybe it’s time to remember that Halloween is about having fun for the night, not getting pedantic about the proper interpretation of a comic book character.

I know, but it has a match in it. :)

So, we’re complaining about stills now?
