
*holds hands together in a plaintive and unusual prayer whispering*

I took that scene more as suicide by creature. They went straight for the old guy that yelled, after all.

Just a warm note that, according to research, the rate of false reports of abuse are somewhere between 2% and 10%, which is to say they are immensely uncommon. Believe victims.

I found movies like The Conjuring series and the Annabelle series much scarier and much better in terms of the storytelling and acting.

The Disaster Artist is great. Really funny, and also quite touching, somehow.

The same can be levelled at the people who like it feeling REALLY threatened by those who don’t...I’m unsure why....but pretending like either side is covered in glory is a mistake.

He may understand it, but he doesn’t know how to execute it. The middle movie of a trilogy is not the time to kick out the foundations and set of in a bold new direction.

Seriously. She’s devolved into barely coherent ranting. Please io9, get someone else to do these things next season.

I’m not saying that io9 should sugarcoat it’s coverage but maybe having someone who KINDA likes the show doing the write ups would be better....

They mostly comment a night. Mostly.

Question of the day: Why do people give such shit to Hillary saying it was a “MASSIVE MISTAKE” to refer to racists and sexist pieces of shits as a “basket of deplorables” but Trump can call Kim Jon-un short and fat etc and all the other insane shit he says but since he says so much of it people don’t even care?


Hot Fuzz needs the sequel, not Shaun of the Dead. Hot Fuzz.

Make sure they’re not Manchurian Nerds sent by Peter Thiel to undermine the operation.

I’ve seen things you wouldn’t believe. Rotary telephones connected to 300 baud modems. I watched Han Solo shoot first. All those moments lost in time. Time to die. #old

I think this is another example of a basic theme running through io9 for a while now — that its staff members are openly contemptuous of the very topic they are nominally covering, and the very audience they are nominally serving.

I think the real story is that io9, a geek culture site, hired people who hadn’t seen Blade Runner. I’m pretty sure you get your geek card revoked for that. ;)

Oh I definitely understood but there was clearly a spolier warning. See commenter’s second to last sentence.

You don’t understand,he wants to read a review without spoilers. You know,so he can decide if he wants to see the movie himself as apposed to reading the entire plot wrote out in a half assed attempt at a review

RIGHT! Why is it pretentious when something doesn’t automatically include instructions on how it should make you feel or how you should think about it?