
buck up, now we get to meet his hard ass daughters.

You're not alone, I thought it was one of the best scenes.

I actually loved it myself. What could be Tyrion's last night alive is spent pondering why a retarded boy smashed beetles. Its strange what the mind lingers on towards the end.

I see this reaction a lot and I REALLY don't get it. I was absolutely mesmerized by the scene. I thought it was excellent. Brilliant even. Apparently I'm nearly alone in thinking this, but I find that shocking and surprising. I never would have guessed nearly everyone else thought this fascinatingly played scene

Oberyn was giving me a very strong Inigo Montoya vibe last night.

I think it's worth mentioning that in the beetle scene, Tyrion chooses not to crush a beetle.

Actually this movie was too "grounded" and generic. Making Mars look like a desert was cool but not for this movie. It should have been a vibrating colorful exagerated movie of heroes and villains.

They got it all wrong, these are the three new leads.

Battlestar Galactica, "Crossroads"

What the hell are you talking about.

That's cool, because it was created in 2003.

Have you been reading the comics lately? He runs around shooting people and shouting "Murdered you!"

I don't buy it. You don't think the fact that hanging from a tower is life-threatening is part of the appeal to these kids? If it wasn't, they'd be doing these stunts five feet off the ground. They're tempting fate, on purpose.

You have to ask yourself if this one experience is worth potentially forfeiting everything else you might experience. If so, awesome, go for it and keep the camera rolling. But if you haven't considered that at all you lack foresight.

Here's the thing about that attitude: Let's imagine that a hundred people attempted this very same stunt with the very same mindset. And all of them have lost their grip.

If we could interview each of them during their fatal descent, and asked them if they would rather keep the attitude or rescind it to keep on living

Yeah. Great cliffhanger and a lukewarm resolution at best. People talk about L O S T losing its way, but I think it pales in significance to how badly BSG declined. Season 4 of that was an absolute mess.

How about Episode #1, Season #1 of Lost — then everything else from there?

Just ... Just all of it.

Headline: Your Gluten Sensitivity May Be In Your Head

AGREED!!! I write on my Macbook, but I follow a rule (passed to me by my girlfriend, from, perhaps, Chandler?) which states that, during the period I set aside for writing—usually 4-5 hours per day, M-F, I don't have to write, but I cannot do ANYTHING else—I must disconnect from the Internet, and turn my phone off.