
Making money is never an analog for something being liked, just look at Donald Trump...that guy’s loaded.

Hmm. No buffering problems here at all.

GLORIOUS click-bait gizmodo trolling effectively trolls.

Since when do people hate Newt? Newt’s the best!

“R-Rated” and “Hobbit” in the same sentence shows, again, that Peter Jackson had ZERO understanding of this source-material. What a bloated disgraceful trilogy.

Ah! Indeed.

It’s oddly reassuring to know that people will complain about anything.

It was in the very first Force Awakens trailer.

I guess it’s fine to be conservative, but not THAT conservative. He’s a scary dude...

Pretty depressing this guy gets to direct a Star Wars movie.

Beatles influence aside, always loved this song.

Pretty stern stuff for a poorly designed online shopping mall that has trouble turning a profit. When they do make their own products they’re often clunky “me too” garbage. Bezos has a lot of nerve. For all that angst, Amazon has yet to make something extraordinary.

I’ve heard this deranged argument before, but what it amounts to is wealthy hunters dangling money in front of impoverished people, killing something, and claiming they’re conservationists. How about give the money and then DON’T kill anything? That’s conservation. This is a salve these losers use to justify their

Perhaps it’s the best of the TNG films. I always found it heartbreaking that the TNG crew, and Picard in particular, never really got a CLASSIC film under their belt. They all felt like extended episodes that lacked focus.

I’d say go with the Final Cut for sure and get in the right headspace. Allow yourself to be lulled by its sleepy dreamy quality that some find, dare I say it, boring... It’s a beautiful film that’s had a major influence on sci-fi, particularly anime.

I had this prior to surgery, only it went up to my BRAIN! Take that, eye!

Grotesque! (we’ve been uncanny-valleyed!)

Weird thing to be happy about, but I’m so glad you called out The Hobbit, and that most commenters agree. I just watched the Battle of the Five Armies (more out of grunting obligation than any enthusiasm) and was shocked too see how low Peter Jackson could sink. It really is a travesty on every level, lacking any

Peter Jackson should feel deeply ashamed...

This woman is a sociopath. Even NOW she makes it all about herself. Shameful.