
I was mostly being silly.

Do you not see how he was using the word "like"? As in "Do you like things simple?" not "get, like, an iPhone, man." In other words, a perfectly appropriate use of the word "like" undeserving of comment... which begs the question: why am I commenting on YOUR comment? What a world...

Apps are pretty on par these days, though, in my experience, the iOS versions tend to be more polished. Android versions catch up, but, frustratingly, don't seem to be polished right out of the gate.

Well, I'm not saying it was the best choice (I didn't mind it), but just noting that it was done on set. That must have been one blinding set...

Not to be the king of the nerds for the day, but those flares were actually done live in-camera during the shoot. The behind the scenes shows how they'd shine halogen lights at the sides of the camera.

Oh dear. First Contact was decent, if a bit silly... but let's not forget he directed Star Trek: Insurrection. Now THAT, that was just bad.

That's some "Aslan / Stone Table" shit right there. Damn.

This was delightful. I think it could have been told without words though...just the feels. It was REALLY over-explained by the voice over. Still lovely!

Ah, I see how you meant it. Yes, that's an added benefit to clearing up the confusion.

That's actually not true. The "free" moniker has caused customer confusion for some time and implies that the game is completely free. "Get" is more neutral, combined with apps now being required to state they have in-app purchases. This is a change being made on many platforms, iOS and Android. I work as a developer

Well said. As much as I want a sequel, I know there shouldn't be one.

It's true! When released theatrically there was no "To Be Continued..." tacked on. That was added later with a second release and on home video.

As a video game artist, I have to take friendly exception to your comment. The games you mention ALL have amazing graphics that are hard to create in that they're so simplified. It's always harder to remove then to add something, distilling a concept or image down to its simplest form. To say they eschew graphics for

This movie right here.

I think, in this case, it's more to do with the ease of use and the security of a token-based system. Being able to hold your phone up to the NFC reader, even if it's in standby, and have your card pop-up, without tapping or selecting anything takes away any barrier, no matter how minute.

Well, to be fair, one of the points of the article is that the success of Apple Pay has spilled over into higher usage of other existing mobile payments options like Google Wallet. So more people are aware of mobile payments in general and are willing to try them. I'd say that could add up to a "we" pretty soon.

I think it's more to punish bad behavior and stop any exploitative money grabs from Discovery in the future. It's like Sharknado...if we keep watching them, they'll keep making 'em.

No, Pixar, BAD Pixar! I have no doubt it will be high-quality and a good story...BUT all that effort and creativity could be put towards an original story with new characters for us to fall in love with. If all these talented people are working on this, they're not working on something new!

I'm sure a VFX performance will someday be worthy of this discussion, but Andy Serkis's past comments, and credit-taking, for his work is a bit off-putting. Let's go back and give Dobby the Elf an Oscar just to piss Serkis off.

I did the National Geographic genome test and am apparently 2% neanderthal. I'm assured this is a normal amount...