
I want to agree with you. I want to believe that's true. But Inhofe has been around a long time...and the election just ushered in a wave of intellectually stunted and hog-castrating zealots. We're screwed.

Man, I like some grass when I play games.

Ha! This shot in particular looks like it could be from a Galaxy Quest sequel.

Insidious was insidiously funny to me.

Oh lordy. If only God WAS a magician. He could make these people disappear. Expelliarmus!

If you're not spry at 35, you might be doing something wrong. Let's not rush middle-age, we'll all get there soon enough.

The certainty of the headline doesn't match the content of the article. The connection being unknown, or unlikely, doesn't mean there was no connection at all, or some sort of influence to Stoker. Also, I should know. I was there. - Dracula

Man, I had scabies. That was the absolute worst. Caught them in the hospital while recovering from brain surgery. Nothing like trying to sleep and heal while your entire body feels like it's burning and you want to rip your skin off. Long story short: Don't get scabies. The End.

Thank you very much, Mr. Quint. We'll take it under advisement.

This post is approved by Ron Swanson.

As others have said, NOT a Disney movie, and it's called the Secret of NIMH. Rats of NIMH was the book.

Shocker. If you apply crushing pressure to an electronic device it may bend or break.

Lord of the Rings used to mean something, man.

If they were going to make a round display, I wished they'd solved the problem design-wise. I get why that black strip is there, but come on now. It has a real amateur-hour vibe to it and mars the aesthetics which, after all, is why people like the design.

Actually, that's not correct. It only puts apps there that you already own AND are currently on your device. Presumably, those are apps you use if they're on your phone. So things are one swipe away that you would normally have to hunt for. It supposed to be a unobtrusive convenience, one that you can use, ignore, or


I saw The Abyss, I know all about this...

There was a re/code article about it.

Exactly, apparently the watch WILL identify you through the sensors. There'll be no need for a fingerprint. It's a brave new world.

Apparently that's just what it will do. It will biometrically identify you the way the Touch ID would, but instead of from your fingerprint it will have a unique biometric profile of the user based on the wrist sensors. Crazy.