
As an iPad owner I can's mostly true. (Am I on the toilet right now or not? You'll never know!)

Whoa, it's like he'd already seen the prequels.

I'm not saying its the right move for Nintendo, but a Mario infinite runner on smartphones would take all the world's moneys...including mine.

Sad to say, Battlestar Galactica got completely lost in its own story, making a few bad decisions that slowly unraveled the show. (ie - The Final Five!)

Visual effects stuff is always impressive but some of it seems so arbitrary...almost OCD. Just shoot the movie, Marty!

That really needed some Daft Punk to slowly fade in after about 30 seconds.

Temperatures have fluctuated throughout history...and then we started pumping metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere ever day and THIS happened...

But he's only the face of global warming if you personally choose that to be the limitation of the issue. What do YOU think of the incredible amounts of data available and the suggestions and warnings it makes through decades of scientific evidence? Gore is irrelevant to the issue, Al Sharpton is CERTAINLY irrelevant.

Here's the problem with the list: Al Gore is number one. The number one reason for someone being a climate change denier is ALWAYS Al Gore. I've heard this again and again from my conservative family. Not liking Al Gore, or Al Gore being a hypocrite, is not a scientific position on global warming / climate change,

Admittedly I only used it once, but it certainly felt half-baked. You know that magic feeling you get when using great tech for the first time? Yeah, none of that happened with Glass. It doesn't always work, you look like a spaced-out zombie when you use it because your eyes settle on some middle point trying to look

Oh man, love this movie.

Hmm. I didn't find it confusing. In fact, I found it frustratingly straight forward and unimaginative. It's ruined some of the mystique of Alien by over-explaining the space jockeys. In Alien the space jockey in the chair is utterly terrifying because we know NOTHING about it and are never told anything more. They

Agreed. Even "big" movies like Alien tell a confined and terrifying story, something happening to a small group of people. The whole world is not at stake just the survival of a few. The emotions are simple, the story, really, is simple, but the mood and voice it's told with makes it effective.

Exactly! Yes. When we experience a story through a character's perspective even the mundane can seem awe-inspiring. They could have played off of what we'd seen in LOTR and filtered it through a brave and slightly scared hobbit introducing some wonder into the story instead of the same tired tropes.

I couldn't agree more. The Hobbit is a perfect example of going epic and delivering us the moments they think we expect, but don't want. Hitting tired story beats that we've watching a hundred times instead of getting some actual content from the book up on the screen. Let's take the charming book intro for Beorn and

I don't want to be weird but...he has a dungeon where he keeps his victims, right?

Just watched this again. I wish they'd left off the written explanation of things that happened next. It would have been far less cheesy and left you wondering...

...when, suddenly, all contact with the researchers was lost.

Yes, we do need to try to save these people because of, you know, retaining our humanity, cultivating compassion, having the smallest shread of decency. The root cause is not that he wanted page views, he is obviously an emotionally disturbed person in deep pain. I would hope we would feel compassion for that and not

Well, you're nothing if not opinionated. :) But it's a very narrow view for someone who's an artist, in my opinion...claustrophobically narrow.
I know people who couldn't draw to save their lives but are brilliant sculptors, both in clay and 3D modeling. Different mediums and technologies draw out people's talents in