
Yeah, got to echo the other comments here as someone who is both a traditional and "digital" artist. The idea that technology is a gimmick is a bit much to take and confuses method with form. The best of Pixar is a treasure-trove of highly sophisticated storytelling, character design, and animation...and let's not

I know the jury's still out on whether cell phones cause cancer or other damage, but even conservatively, they say don't hold an active cellular device to your head for long periods of time...let alone gluing one to your head everyday all day. Not to mention, this just looks silly.

Oh, okay! :) doesn't exactly work out very well for most people involved. It doesn't romanticize crime, so much as show the pretty serious consequences...and I wouldn't say the people are 'lovely' but instead are flawed and tortured characters.

Whoa, certainly can't agree. This show is wonderful.

Yes! I'm in total agreement. I tired, I tried so hard to like this show, to embrace its "whimsy" and "spirit" and "wonder"'s 80% garbage.

I must confess, I'm that guy. Got together with a group friends to watch all 3 LOTR EEs together...the task was accomplished but it nearly killed us all.

When DOOM came out on the iPhone I played it non-stop while lying in bed with the phone about 10 inches from my face...leading to motion sickness and vertigo. It was a special moment.



I don't think that was awkward at all. I actually thought it was kind of refreshing and that Nyad well-represented my own feelings of being an atheist / agnostic. Our planet and the universe hold enough mystery and wonder that adding a layer of religion over that seems unnecessary and, if anything, diminishes that

Though I've always loved Kubrick's films, this article made me realize why I love them from a distance. His characters have no emotional connection, for the most part, with the audience. I feel like he populates his films with caricatures, or almost has a disdain for his characters.

I think we're talking about different things. I meant situations where you're not in psychical danger. Obviously almost dying because of another driver's carelessness is an appropriate cause for anger.

Hmmm, interesting. Maybe I'm alone in this, but I can't believe I'm the only one that hasn't gotten disproportionally upset over some fellow driver's infraction...and later laughed at myself for being so angry. Not talking about life and death things here, but small things.

No, I think it's that environment and certain variables can impact our behavior in surprising ways. Personalities are multi-faceted and modern technology has presented a new way for those facets to be shown. It's an ongoing area of study, but I don't think you can always distill it down to, so-and-so is good and

What's interesting is that, when it comes to online interactions, people actually are NOT always what they are. There have been plenty of studies that show that anonymity mixed with a consequence-free environment leads to more aggression. It's the angry driver phenomenon, how many times have you felt murderous rage at


Look, I didn't want to say this here but...I'm Batman.

I totally agree. It sounded completely dubbed, which maybe it was. I know the studio was very unhappy when they first heard it and that they did some work in post production to "fix it." As far as performance, I thought it was a little too close to a James Bond villain style, which pulled me out of the movie. Heath

Yeah, I couldn't disagree more. I think Christian Bale is certainly very subtle but the emotions are there bubbling under the surface. I think you can feel his pain and longing in the scenes with Liam Neeson in Batman Begins, his tortured determination in Dark Knight, and his broken spirit and then catharsis in Rises.