
I hate to see Phil Fish bullied into leaving the industry...BUT it does seem like he's a disturbed young man who revels in pushing peoples buttons and then furious at the response he gets. Not saying he deserves even a fraction of all the hate, but he's definitely an enabler of it. He could have quietly and

Both my parents have retina-related diseases. This can't come soon enough. Good job, mice slaves! (high five)

Definitely a joke!

Hmmm. As a developer, I feel that's pretty bad business from a PR standpoint, unless the app is SO radically different and offers a completely new experiece. I'll keep it free for current users, thanks very much.

Hey Bob, do just a quick search for some of Card's comments regarding gays and I think you'll see it's not so simple as "agree or disagree." The man wants it to be illegal to be gay and thinks gays should have a permanent inequality in this country, being treated as less than full citizens. Not so black and white,

I guess I'll wait for cable and watch it with the shades drawn. Haha.

But his actions should have a bearing on his wallet. I don't want to line it with my hard-earned money when he thinks I'm a criminal and will be responsible for the downfall of society.

I believe it's meant to show that there is no longer a button to grab and slide. The screen is on and the baby's finger goes to the same spot looking for the button, but in iOS 7 there's only simple text that says "slide to unlock," nothing "physical" to grab on to.

I'd say there are MUCH better King books to read (IT, The Stand). The first 4 Dark Tower books are good but after that... It's some of the most bizarre, anti-climatic, and frustrating writing I've ever suffered through.

To add to that, I think some of it is explained by the fact that they said they stopped using storyboards as much after Fellowship, which I think hurt the film visually. Fellowship is so tightly structured and well-shot.

I don't want to bring the hate, but I always felt Andrew Lesnie's work on LOTR was a mixed bag. Some of the shots are absolutely amazing, BUT some of the shots, I think, are too well-lit and have no soft focus almost like he was switching styles between a more fantasy-oriented dreamy quality and a sharper almost

I don't think there's anything wrong with having an interpretation of the characters. As hollywood always reminds us, if you don't like the current interpretation, just wait a few years and a reboot will come along. Nolan's will not be the last take of Batman on film and, in the meantime, we get to enjoy a pretty

That's what the movie needs too, more trolls...

Two words: Veggie Tales

To be fair, it was also a movie where the main villain turned out to be an island. Yeah, Superman fought an island.

Hmmm. That old saw that he simply stole everything. I think that reduces how a creative mind works to the most simplistic view and, if we held others to the standard, we'd consider very few people inventors and creatively-minded. I'm not saying he was SOLELY responsible but Jobs helped invent and radically evolve the

They'll replace ghost Hayden Christensen with Lucas in Jedi.

I agree. It IS pretty fun and not without some degree of logic and heart. Even with its flaws, I'd say go see it and enjoy. Can't we just have fun anymore?! Unless it's the Hobbit, don't get me started on that... (flame war)

It already exists for iPhone as well. The difference is, now they're just setting-up standards so all developers have access to official tools for products like this which will lead to better support and compatibility.