
To be fair, herald is a fandroid.

I believe those were future A.I., not aliens. I like to think of the end of the story, once he's back in his "house," as all happening inside his head as the future A.I. shut down his program for good. Makes it much better, and I THINK that's how it's supposed to be interpreted.

It might be awful for hardcore gamers, but it's a blockbuster success for the casual games market. Casual games, to my mind, don't automatically mean "awful," they're simply different. Like any ecosystem there's garbage (XBOX live included) but I'd say the App Store has been successful and is only getting better and

Yeah, though I thought her plotline started out great...they really botched the finale.

I don't know...last season was pretty bad too.

Gobias, you do realize where touch features are used with Lion, right? On their laptops. Every laptop in their line-up has a multi-touch trackpad that has gestures-enabled. It's a very useful feature. The trackpad for desktops is hardly the primary use of touch on the OS X platform. Anyway, thought I'd share...

"Apple, they are a cheap bag of lazy, unimaginative bastards." Honestly?! Apple is many things, but that sentence does not describe them.

It has nothing to do with platform, the article's saying that the majority of people do not use the "find" function or even know it's there. And since the majority of people are on a PC... (Again, not a platform issue)

I was thinking of this same exact thing... hopefully no one will start having CGI babies though...

I'm admittedly an iPad fan, but it does seem totally premature to kill this. It was JUST released to market. It must have done so abysmally bad that they can justify killing it. Too bad as it had some nice features that actually seemed innovative.

Technically shouldn't you be blaming Fandroids since Android has more market share than iOS? "Fandroids win again."

It's so awesome making fun of a 14 year-old.

This is just silly. Like any platform, there are great things on it and horrible things on it. iPhone games are meant to be casual experiences. And priced at free or $1 it's hardly an investment. I've bought $50 PS3 games and wished I could have spent that money on 50 iPhone apps instead.

Honestly, it's just too soon to have a firm opinion on a year too soon. Why don't we see the movie first and then decide. Spy shots ALWAYS look like crap. Nolan has earned my trust... because, you know, I'm sure he was desperate for it! (sigh)

:) I'm not sure why you have a problem with the baker picture... in the book Peeta's cute, he's a baker, and there's a scene outside the bakery. Seems like that picture accurately captures the scene...

Too bad, judging by the audio track, so many children were murdered during the filming of the promo...

I'll give it a chance... a spidey chance.


I agree. Definitely read the 1st book as well. I think you'll really enjoy it even having seen the show.
