
No, no, I was asking if YOU feel the same desire to re-watch the prequels? Didn't mean to offend.

I would agree if not for this. I had absurdly high expectations for the LOTR movies which I loved EVEN more than the original Star Wars, and I thoroughly enjoyed all of them. LOTR delivered where the prequels did not.

Wow, you packed a lot into that paragraph. Where does one even begin... The prequels are rubbish. Yes, even Episode 3 which was only buoyed by low expectations. Here's the test, do you EVER think, I'd really like to watch the prequels again?

Indeed they are, sir! Only WE can call ourselves stupid! It smarts when it comes from someone else! Haha.

Yeah, I'm sure Apple can't wait to make their OS look like something made by Playschool. Wheeeeee! Flame war, BEGIN!

I agree. I WANT to like him but don't think he's earned nearly the amount of praise that's thrown at him. At the end of the day, style aside, the Hellboy movies are not very good. And I thought Pan's Labyrinth was criminally overrated...same with Devil's Backbone.

Flash is not actually banned from MBA's, it's simply not pre-installed. You can still download it and it will still run fine... well, as fine as flash ever runs.

Wow, how arrogant. Thanks for that.

Wow, really? I love all four equally but for different reasons. Really shocked to find a fan backlash to books 3 and 4. First I've heard of this. Interesting.

WHAAAAAAT?! I thought it was the best episode yet! Madness, I say!

Am I the only one who thinks this looks terrible?! AM I?! The new Thundercats on the other hand...solid.

generalization, insult, grumble, grumble... repeat.

I believe that's exactly it. It's summed up by Tesla's line "They are ALL your hats." They are ALL Angiers, so much so that the distinction of clone becomes irrelevant. The "original," if he can be called that, has long since died in the process of doing the trick over and over again. It's pretty horrifying.

Loved the title sequence. Cool that there will be alternate versions.

I thought I couldn't get anymore excited... (brain explodes)

Interesting. You seem to dislike the film because it didn't offer likable characters, but I don't think that was the point. I took it partly as a cautionary-tale showcasing bad-behavior, ruined friendships, and elitist entitlement. You're not supposed to sympathize with them. I think it also held a mirror up to

Characters are built, driven by, and interwoven with plot. LOST failed to answer ANY of the questions its plot posed. Not that I was looking for concrete explanations, but it made no attempt to give us a meaningful ending, instead going for sentiment over substance. There was a balance to be struck and I'm afraid

What a disgusting parallel. Thanks for making the day just that much darker.

Some of us like Apple AND Sony. I'm a fanboy of my iPhone and my Playstation... an that might be something.