Scooby Doo was, and is, utter garbage. Kids cartoons these days are orders of magnitude better.
Scooby Doo was, and is, utter garbage. Kids cartoons these days are orders of magnitude better.
Require ID and signature for all sales of used catalytic converters. No cash deals, only cheques or money transfers. If caught buying the converters against these regulations charge the buyer with theft.
Plausible, except he was a convicted felon, and thus couldn’t legally own the gun in the first place.
sometimes i confuse myself on my 92 chevy half ton.... when i say “it runs like it’s still brand new.” i dont know if that’s a testament to how well it runs now, or how poorly it ran when it was brand new....
It would be hard for me not to send my coworker with the Volvo little cards every year inviting them to my car's birthday party
He drove the car another two years and 30K miles before it got rammed in the side one day while he was at class.
I heard this early in life and have generally found it to be true:
I refuse to even renew my Sirius subscription because they make you haggle down to a reasonable price.
It reminds me of a trip I took to Maui years ago when these seemed to be the official rental car of the Islands. Good times!
“The article is a sponsored collaboration between Ford and G/O Media Studios.”
Yeah, I’d rather not torture myself to verify that.
it would make more sense to run the batteries down the middle of the car where the center console and transmission tunnel would be. It would be longer and lower but still in the middle of the car.
Right? Like we got rid of Paris from the mainstream popular culture, granted she was replaced by Kim Kardashian and klan, but still she was gone. Can we keep it that way? Paris was nothing but a vapid human being who bullied and laughed at others. We don’t need that back for fucks sake.
Even dogs that do swim well benefit from life jackets. We used to have a Beagle and he was a great swimmer. Then we got him a life jacket and he enjoyed it even more. Growing up we had Rottweilers and once we put their little vests on they would paddle around the lake for hours chasing fish and greeting people.
What a cheerful little runabout.
Tastykakes are better anyway.
If physical media isn’t a problem for you I just bought the Samurai Jack Blu-Ray set for $65 recently (and is still at that price as of this post).