Earthbound Misfit I

YES!  I completely agree with this take.  Wendy’s breakfast wedges are 1000x better than their fries.

Its clearly her stash man. Look at how excited those guys are. 

Seriously. $25k for a 15 year old truck? Come on, friends don’t let friends get high and post on Craigslist.

And they say “range anxiety” isn’t a thing with ICE cars. Why did everyone suddenly feel the pressing need to be able to drive 400 miles at a moment’s notice?

Not to be pedantic (I’m going to anyway), but I think most gas stations make most their money off of sales of goods that aren’t gas (snacks and stuff). The margins on gas are pretty slim once it hits that point in the distribution.

...and none of them were children.

Illustrators of women’s fashions have forever drawn woman 9 heads tall, to elongate and slim the body well beyond what a typical woman’s shape is. Automotive illustrators realized it would work for them if they just turned that practice horizontally. Photographers use a version of this trick but taking shots of fat

I had a very similar experience in my dad’s ‘65 VW Beetle. Somehow I managed to hang onto the arm rest instead of launching out. The memory of looking down at my sneakers skiing on the asphalt is burned into my mind.

funny how shit like that works.... my father always drove fun old cars when i was little... (didnt quite appreciate it then)... he worked for IBM software engineer in the 70s/80s/90s, so could easily afford new cars, but chose the fun route.... anyways. i remember hopping in to the car with my mother one day, getting

Years ago, stuck in bumper to bumper traffic with my then GF, Miata ahead of us had a bumper sticker that read:

So, being respectful, considerate, and clean is considered a lifehack now?

Absolutely nothing. While Mom had a driver’s license when I was in elementary school, she gave it up and refused to drive from then on.  Dunno why.

Mal Dive Ends Near Maldives

Leaving aside the danger to employees and potential damage to equipment, we need to acknowledge that the smell generated by heating up a Subway tuna sandwich is in violation of the Geneva Protocol of 1925, the Chemical Weapons Convention, and arguably the Fourth Geneva Convention.

1969 Pontiac Grand Prix: The longest hood in the business:

“What are you?”

Isn’t this how all life goes? The beautiful survive and the ugly become chowder.

1983 Escort, 88 hp. Fortunately it was a manual so you could keep it in second for something resembling acceleration, but it was definitely a journey getting to highway speed. 

No. I know the car community loves to hate on these, but these are cool. They look like nothing else on the road and I’ve seen them gather more looks than other more loved cars.