Second-hand story, but I know the victims and have no reason to doubt the veracity of this story.
Second-hand story, but I know the victims and have no reason to doubt the veracity of this story.
He’s also Elon Musk, Dick Cheney and a stripper name Tanya who dances at a club jut outside Tulsa on Tuesday and Thursday.
Central Georgia, so yeah, a lot of nouveau riche country boys around here.
One dealer near me has a $10K ‘additional dealer profit’ on a Heritage Edition sitting on his showroom floor.
Trump reminds me of one of my childhood friends’ step-fathers.
Be a bad navigator.
If I ever get around to writing a history of GM, it would probably be entitled “....and then GM fucked it up.”
I would agree, with the following caveats:
Me too....
Is the mistake here buying the car, being friends with Bill or loaning the car to Walter? I’m so confused.
Did he pay the ‘frame weld’ subscription fee?
So everything here happened the way it was supposed to happen, as designed. (It’s fun to shit on Boeing, but I know someone here will try to spin this into a “bOeInG cAn’T eVeN dEsiGn BrAkEs cOrReCtLy” kind of thing.)