Worst. Dad Joke. Ever.
Worst. Dad Joke. Ever.
That, and she is probably a long-time alcoholic.
Anything from the Fast & Furious franchise.
NP, but $11K is definitely the tippy-top for this car, assuming of course everything works and there is no rust.
I’ve had to double-up on my Zocor just to drive through Mississippi.
I need several million dollars in compensation for having to listen to Ice-T pitching this crap.
Since no one ever picks on New Hampshire, I’m going to nominate New Hampshire.
Stellantis already owns a number of dead brands:
I got driven around in a white 1966 Plymouth Belvedere wagon that was a hand-me-down from my mother’s aunt. By the time we acquired it, c.1978, the car hadn’t had a wash or wax in at least five years, the rear fenders were nearly rotted though, the interior had been torn to shreds by auntie’s standard poodle and Dad…
I once got to ride in a Porsche 944 with aftermarket Recaros. Magnificent!
Sorry, saw the text of your message, but not the photo.
Why not the Dodge Sapporo? - A rebadged Mitsubishi
no one actually knows what’s going on in Delaware ever.
My cardiologist owned one and hated it.
Andy - The Riviera was a BUICK... not an Oldsmobile.