
Yep. I don’t know billionaires, but a good friend of mine does. 2 rags to riches Billionaires her own age and who went to school with her and see her socially all the time. My friend is not dirt poor but she has mortgage problems and is worried about money. I can’t believe that one of her two good billionaire

Well yes, the police can make any protest violent. It’s very common for peaceful demonstrations to turn into utter pandemonium replete with tear gas, mace, stun guns and buster heads because the police, in their wisdom, decide its time to shut it down because it’s time for dinner, or the end of their shift. In my

This image is much more beautiful than DT.

Kelly Osbourne is writing a book she didn’t write about people I don’t care about, particularly her.

Or from UN weapons inspectors. W & Co wanted in. Period. They also wanted a Department of Homeland Security (41 billion budget last year) and in Iraq built the most expensive (750,000,000) embassy in the world. They wanted to use terrorism to rationalize enormously expensive projects and weaponry which enriched

My mind goes straight to the public hangings of 18 year old homosexuals. I hope they are not going to get into trouble.

As the prophets said, all the signs are here, for the end of days.

Would this also challenge state cannibus initiatives?

Now playing

She is so right. Education is the key. We are where we are because an enormous part of our population is so poorly educated that they don’t understand basic civics, history, international affairs, or for that matter, adult reasoning. Until this turns around, we are vulnerable for anyone to take hold and manipulate

I remember the good old days when you could chain smoke during an interview.

New Yorkers don’t watch much television. I remember in the old days when David Lynch’s Twin Peaks came out and all my friends and I wanted to see it, we had to make new friendships to find anyone who even owned one and would let us come watch. Instead, people go to theatre, plays, opera, galleries. Fun stuff.

Planned civil disobedience or other activity that is even marginally a gray area in terms of a risk of arrest should be clearly considered and prominently communicated by organizers prior to any demonstration. I won’t participate if they aren’t. You can stay in jail a long time if you can’t bail yourself out, and

Moratoriums were a good tool in the Vietnam era. No spending for a day.

This? Idiocracy.

If Brad Pitt were to come out as gay, it would garner him so much free publicity and make him so much money that the mind boggles.

Awkward. And did I hear some shade? “I will be joining some journalists at NBC”.

According to Emily Post’s Etiquette, the only excuse for denying a Presidential invitation is illness or deep mourning. Based upon how everyone I know feels about the inauguration of a Trump Presidency, I think they could be easily excused on the basis of either condition. 

Gotta love any project with Tammy.

Her husband is cute, for a billionaire.

Probably? Unquestionably. A few times over. If you wanted someone to shine sheer number valued publicity on your project would you choose Courtney or Kim?