
As far as I’m concerned, Trump won because our education system is so poor as to have created a huge subclass of people who don’t understand the Constitution or any kind of basic civics. When a country ignores poverty and the ignorance that stems from it (and to the extent of incarcerating 2.5 million people) for too

Malkovich and I are physically resemblant enough for this to be pointed out to me sometimes by staring strangers. When I graciously respond by acknowledging that there’s no relation between us, they invariably follow up by musing, “He’s one strange (substitute weird, creepy) looking guy”, as though I’d not make the

About the NPD thing, the monster Hitler was quite the clotheshorse, full of style, and wore clothes that fit.

Trump’s style in everything is to force himself upon people and things without understanding them. I’m sure this applies to his tailor as well, who is given unwavering instructions in fabric, drape, cut. Other big gutted guys (like Newt Gingrich or Chris Christie) have good tailors that make them dark, conservative,

8 ply polyester.

Thirteen states in the United States have no minimum age for trying children as adults. Children as young as eight have been prosecuted as adults. Some states set the minimum age at 10, 12, or 13. There are thousands of kids in adult prisons (where, of course, they are raped) and about 1,200 sentence to life without

“She says, “He’s right; pornography does have a negative impact on public health, and it does lead to lots of other issues. I’m going to look at it.””

In the photo of Obama and Clooney, Obama is the hot one.

I hate the statues of limitation. I’ve been been conned in business deals in circumstances which were such that what happened was so incredible and unbelievable that I didn’t fully understand how badly I was being fleeced until 2 years after the deal was consummated.  In one case, there’s property I own in a fancy

Am I the only homosexual who is offended when you make the assumption that because Justin Bieber is a wimpy fakey show off, he’s man enough to suck dick?

It’s also interesting that Viagra and other meds aren’t covered by Medicare or any other kind of insurance. If any other part of your body malfunctions and can be fixed by medication, it gets treated. The Puritanism and sexual shame in America is strong and virile, even as the fairly recent liberation of online porn

Why is it that the artist Martha Argerich, who was honored at the Kennedy Center in December, doesn’t have Arianna Grande’s snorefest of a problem? She’s produced a ton more recordings. As for sexual hi jinx, Argerich fell in love with her husband when she heard him play Beethoven’s 4th Piano Concerto.

“All democrats care about is the presidency and they lost that.”

The transparency of the democratic process? How about just the democratic process itself?

Great political visionaries like this creep dream of bringing masses of unwanted children into lives of poverty so as to deny them public health care and instead, spend the money on the more wholesome and deserving enterprises of for-profit-prisons.

White entitlement awareness classes at 7 Sister Colleges is white culture.

I have about as much appetite for reevaluating HRC and the election as I do for a fat fruit fly sandwich. There’s nothing original or useful to say, and people bickering about her culpability or wonderfulness today seem pitiful to me. Time to wake up and smell the shit we’re composed of, and figure out how to go

“The sad reality of any celebrity passing is that we have to ask how their death will impact any ongoing work in the future.”

Driving with a headache, or tense shoulders is also distracting, as are mouthy  teenage children. Having unresolved financial burdens, being late for work, having your spouse cheat on you, being unfairly fired, cravings for food, sexual fantasies, listening to Rush Limbaugh or the Sex Pistols, can take a crazy

George W Bush took triple the amount of vacation days as Obama. And when I wonder who had the more competent administration to keep things humming while the President is away, the one that had 9/11 happen on their watch; initiated our military quagmire in Iraq; shamed us with their response to Hurricane Katrina,