
Visit North Dakota. Stand with the water protectors. Donate to the ACLU or any other legal organization that can stand up for disenfranchised people and launch lawsuits on their behalf. Donate to Democracy Now! and other independent news agencies... and, most of all, PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR LOCAL POLITICS. You might not

Yes. And what is happening is actually an extremely concerted and corrosive attack on our systems. It is not just that the election results are called into question. It is not just that we spent the last year watching Clinton submit to federal investigations while conservatives everywhere loudly insisted that no

I fail to see how this contributes to the plausibility of surprise anal. Yes, it is anatomicaly possible, but I’ve never experienced or heard of surprise anal between gay guys. We’re usually pretty aware of our butts and what’s happening around them.

The unfortunate truth is that 95% of the population, particularly those who scream “lip sync” don’t understand the technical challenges of music, any music in an outside venue. Or, any venue for that matter.

Like I commented earlier, Marshall is lucky his kid didn’t set him on fire. I know, if I still lived in Kansas, it’s what I’d want to do.

The pics of how he dressed when slimmer are the most damning evidence that his clothes are specifically cut to hide his bulk.

definitely. would. not. fuck. with.

I think you’re missing his point—that yes, this may be a major solution to a great many health problems, but the problem is not that people don’t know this to be true. it’s that to a great many people, this is very difficult for them to execute on a consistent enough basis to derive health benefits.


This. Most of Trump’s ideas are bad. So refuse to support them. Should he have a good idea, vote for that. In the meantime, get your shit together on messaging and both pummel him over the bad ideas and promote your own good ideas.

I think the group that should take the biggest share of the blame is the media. All of the major cable news outlets gave Trump hours of free airtime and hardly any for his republican or democratic rivals.

Maybe.....and I’m just spitballing here.....they should, I don’t know? Support policies that are good for their constituents/the country and say no to policies that they disagree with?

actually i think him being in new york is just a giant fuck you to the whole city. that area is a nightmare on a good day.

I lived 3 blocks away from there for five years. It’s a busy and touristy place on the best of days, I can’t even imagine what it’s like now. The woman who moved into my apartment wrote me the most hilarious email about how she never would have taken over the lease if she had known what was coming and could we just go

What? Both Obama’s have been called classy and dignified ad nauseam. Are you saying that they are neither because they aren’t white, or that Barack is only half-so because he is only half-white? I honestly can’t make heads or tails of this logic.

Sarah Palin belongs on this list. She was a key figure in the 8-year long strategy of riling up every stupid white redneck and getting them angry at all teh libruls for no valid reason.

If you’re adding Tomi Lahren, then give Trevor Noah an assist. She became more of a major presence thanks to him.

Who do they think is at fault for this “white genocide?”

Jesus. Best public example of violent grown-up frat boy I’ve ever seen. He’s like the Platonic ideal of homosexual self-repression.

I’m sympathetic to this thinking. I’m a survivor. But our criminal justice system is racist, classist, and prone to human error. Also, prisons are filled with non violent offenders, and sex offenders don’t stop harming people once they’re incarcerated. Our current system allows rapists to operate with near impunity in