Early Discloser

I still cannot stand that song. It’s unwieldy, uncomfortably produced and mismatched as all four of the performers seem to be stuck in their own songs. Hated it in 2001, was really annoyed at how big it was, still don’t have any nice thoughts about it. I’m glad it didn’t become a pop classic at least.

This site really does need to create another Gawker/Splinter blog. I kind of side eyed this myself. I suppose in the next week they could do a critic of actor portrayals of him in TV/Film...but, yeah, it makes no real sense.

The use of various 80s or 80s-sounding tunes in Cobra Kai has been pretty spectacular.

I’m so tired of watching things get butchered by adaptation and budget constraints. There are so many comics that I want to see realized in this way.

I finally saw both these movies back to back on like HBO cable I believe. As a young kid back in the 80s, I’ve probably only seen bits and pieces of both movies; not really remembering much. So when the opportunity arose to see them both I took it. EA is a fun straight forward time travel movie. Not really deep and

The wrong Galaxy Quest crewmember died.

It’s such a shame that The Simpsons got cancelled somewhere in the middle of season 9, but them’s the breaks!

Well, it does need to die.

Savile was gossiped about and even investigated once but he wasn’t on trial as Epstein and didn’t have a deal with the state after confessing to his crimes. Another case would be British 1970's pop star Gary Glitter (child abuse over decades!) - he’s in jail now.

They don’t even understand what their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, was all about. Do we really not expect them to screw up interpreting Sci-Fi as well?

Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. Let me think... Nope! Still pissed off at him for normalizing Donald Trump! He can continue to fuck right off.

I never got Marilyn Manson. I mean, I grew up in the 90's—I loved the Smashing Pumpkins and the Cure and the Prodigy and a bunch of other fairly mainstream weirdos—and I can’t even remember caring enough to actively dislike Marilyn Manson, or even hearing a single song of theirs, or even noticing them on MTV. They

Sorry that you have bad taste in music 

But he seems so nice!

And it was bullshit.

a liiitle bit different because the people in your scenario are misplacing their anger onto black, brown, and queer folk instead of the politicians that lie, cheat, steal and vote in corporations favor. in randy’s case the only people hurting (and really, to them, tis but a flesh wound) are billionaires.

They were applauding because she wasn’t performing.

But seriously though, Amanda Palmer should shut the fuck up.

I’m gay and I lived in fear of my own government everyday for the past 4 years after pretty much being able to tune out the previous 8.

I’m the daughter of immigrants. I spent every day of Trump’s administration terrified that their green cards would be revoked. Every time I saw a car with a MAGA sticker I shrank into myself because I was afraid I would be the victim of a hate crime. I watched people lose jobs and die during this pandemic. I watched