Early Discloser

David Duchovny, Keanu Reeves, Jamie Lee Curtis, Slash, Danny Devito, Disturbed... celeb comics are like the new name brand perfume.

You have again said some things that are true, but ignorant of any nuance implied by the previous correspondence. You are simply fantastic at both stating the obvious and veering away from the point.

I believe Rowling wanted the term women instead of people who menstruate which is not what the Lancet was suggesting should happen for the sake of inclusiveness. 

It’s not silent. To whinge (whinj) is to complain and especially to complain to the point of annoying other people. It’s not the same word as “whine” which obviously can just mean crying or emitting a sobbing sound but whine has now come to mean complain in some contexts too.

You don’t have to boast to have an over inflated sense of your own importance, but take that up with the original poster if you like. I certainly think she thinks too much of herself. Her behaviour during the 2014 Scottish independence referendum left a bad taste in my mouth but feel free to research that yourself if

No, but the original point you seemed to be poking a hole in stands. Even after Star Wars went crazy, Lucas didn’t think he was Kurosawa.

You could obviously make an argument for whatever you define “true originality” to be as being rare but MANY, MANY great works are clearly not pastiches.

As is the fact the that I believe he owns an arm, and at least one hammer.

I’d be interested in Anthony Hopkins’ take, possibly delivered, Spacey-style, intensely in the manner of his most famous character.

Are we in the letterboxd backlash era now? I’m so out of touch.

That's the main thing wrong with the world.

Is she a fun date?

Alternatively, fuck Palmer Luckey. This is basically free advertising for him anyway. While they're at it, they might as well remind us what an arsehole he is.

He always sounded like he was trying to squeeze too many words into too few bars of music to me.

Okay that's more efficient but my method is character building.

They can't reverse engineer my adblocker. I just close my eyes, stick my fingers in my ears and say “wibble” for thirty seconds. Works like a charm.

Life’s too short, but I believe you. In which case, I’d say neither achieved a fully satisfactory representation of the character. Hopefully they’ll get it right in the upcoming one. Outside the comics, my preferred FF experience remains that 60s animation that wasn't especially animated.

It’s a looooong time since I’ve seen that noughties FF film, but I don’t remember hating Thing particularly so... probably.

I agree about Doom looking great, though the corollary is you can’t properly hear his dialogue which should have been redubbed. I respectfully disagree about the Thing. It would have helped if his mouth could form a shape other than ‘grimace’. Even the existential ‘woe is me!’ Thing of the 80s smiled once in a while.

Exactly. The myth’s grown around it because it never came out. But if you watch it, it's bad and it looks terrible,