
It’s cute that you’d think I’d edit my post because some internet rando doesn’t like it.

I’m very supportive of all kinds of agricultural technologies and advancements that improve farm efficiencies and help reduce hunger but this lab grown Frankenmeat is something I’m not ready to embrace.

Based on surveys.

If you think people won’t figure out a way to defeat this, and this will definitely put the genie back in its bottle, you’re incredibly naïve. Like the invention of the Daguerreotype, things have been forever changed. But much like the invention of the Daguerreotype, that doesn’t mean human-created art is dead.

What about it would make it not off road? It being an EV with a skateboard chassis, there is no differential, so you actually do get 11.6" of ground clearance. Throw on some big tires and you’ve got well over a foot. The Model Y comes stock with Off-Road Mode

Maybe see a therapist, Bradley.

Jalopnik hates Elon for some reason.  Funny.

I don't know if I should laugh at the title or be worried. Hang in there, Bradley!!

Or just include an actual spare wheel and not donuts.

You can’t live a week without oil-derived products. Sure, local food. How did it get to the store you buy it from? What tools were used to harvest it? What about your clothes? The cables that run your electricity? What are they made of? And so on...
There’s not a single piece of modern life that has no relationship to

Ohh the outrage.
Do something meaningful Gizmodo, this is a nothing burger.

It is not ass kissing, it is more just being a realist.

Another anti Elon Musk article? Oh right, today is a weekday. Of course!

Two things. First, in absolute terms any subset of a set of hundreds of millions of people that can be described as “the vast majority” is still a massive amount of people.

Until I can drive it 500+ miles, fill it up in <10 minutes, and drive another 500+ miles, I will keep the Mercedes I already have, thanks. Which doesn’t have more screens than your apartment, as a bonus.

Last year:

It’s the lawyers cashing in. Extorsion, blackmail; using the courts and juries to bleed some money. Mr. Public might get a coupon, the lawyers get millions.

Shouldn’t the parents of such kids be... Parenting better? It’s not like they don’t have access to that information, so they are (as a parent should) be the correct proxy for it. That also helps inform them better and filter information that would indeed make things worse.

I asked ChatGPT and here is how it responded:
