
india and china go to the moon now days.  russia and usa fail

Yeah, and why buy a gas stove right now either?

I don’t know why the headline is written the way it is: as if EVs aren’t the future.

There’s an almost perfect overlap between the people who say they would want to buy this and the people who also never buy new vehicles. The most basic trim 70 series is mid to high $80k in AUD - equivalent to high $50k in USD. Higher spec trims (which new car buyers in North America would absolutely want, the low

If it’s such a concern, NHTSA should ban remote updates. What makes dealer service departments so hacker-proof?

Isn’t it the case that every writer has “trained their model” off of the hard work of the authors that came before them? If you’ve borrowed a book from a library you’ve even done so at virtually no cost to yourself. Now... there obviously isn’t a clear 1:1 correlation between how humans refine (train) their art and

“Subverting the will of the voters”? Multiple presidencies and how they get voters to vote against their interests. The history of such proves it doesn’t take much to make the average white American voter, well-off or not to vote against their interests.

While with AI this is indeed dangerous, if anything, it will make

They’re like 8 foot, 9 feet, 10 foot. They look like aliens to us. Big eyes. They have big eyes.”

Forcing Americans into EV is folly. 

Does anyone actually care?

his outsized weight

This was a case study in not letting people in the C suite make technology based decisions when they have no clue how said technology works. Anybody with basic coding experience could have told you that this would be a possible result.

I generally don’t just shitpost but here goes;

I don’t understand why anyone would go from the society destroying Twitter to a new social network created by the same guy that created the first thing and expect it not to have the same bad outcome.

It’s just nostalgia. The first move was also a flaming pile of too stupid for words garbage, but when you're 14, it's cool. It was never a good film. 

Is anyone else just tired of the way all the headlines around this imply something like “the invention of kissing” or “first kiss happened at this time” etc? It’s like: no, this is just the oldest exemplar of a record about it. It was almost certainly going on for thousands of years before. 

I think the video submitter is correct that many drivers would correctly judge, as the car did, that there was plenty of time and clearance for both car and pedestrian. This was NOT a panic brake moment, as the car judged the velocity of the human. Your article alleges “without evidence” as the kids say these days,

No, just no.

If there’s a single lesson that we should have learned since the dawn of the industrial revolution, it’s that no industry should be allowed to self-regulate. However this concept is dressed up, it inevitably leads to worse outcomes for humanity, the environment, and the economy.

How about abolishing the Monarchy? 

Why is there this continued fascination with these prime examples of elitist bullshit? It’s well past time we stopped having any respect for people who have NEVER worked a day in their lives. He’s a PARASITE.