
So are deer. I guess the only solution is to go full Mad Max for these self-driving vehicles...

I am seriously sick of reading about this bigoted garbage company. Why are you still writing about them?

I eat fewer and fewer sauces as I get older, no need for all that extra HFCS intake if I cook stuff that tastes good from the jump. 

And the new CEO will be approved by the same board that approved the last one, nothing of substance will change if Boeing’s left to regulate itself.

Why is this only an issue for TikTok? Unless you are going to ban all stock trading for politicians, this is always going to be an issue for no matter what they might be voting for (or against).

Worked at Papa Johns and we made a, off menu, buffalo chicken pizza. Use the chicken tenders, chop them up after cooking, mix buffalo and ranch 50/50 for the sauce add cheese and chicken cook, it was delish.

Why not ban all sales of personal information? This law won’t change anything.

Why not ban the sale of data altogether?

Don't be a cunt, muhdoh.

i bet tech blogs inability to report competently doesn’t help.

This. The chase for eternal growth through continual cost-cutting so you can reward shareholders is what leads to failure. Boeing is the greatest example, although their story is still being written.

It’s like how the Canadian goose is the most well-protected bird species in the US despite no longer being endangered. We almost culled them out of existence last century, so they passed several federal and state laws to protect them back in the 1910s and now you can’t even look at them cross without getting fined.

What kind of idiot...

Unpopular opinion, but can’t we just go on a major culling of outdoor cats? Seems like a whole lot of effort is going into a plan that can be easily undone by one or two cats. I quote...

and a single female cat and her offspring can produce at least 100 descendants, if not thousands, in just seven years.”

They will

Tell us how you really feel about Trump.  I don’t see you writing anything like “chronic hair sniffer Joe Biden announced...” or “bumbling, stumbling Joe Biden announced a bill that...”  If you want to say that Trump did something, fine, but keep the sensational adjectives and editorializing out of it unless you do it

Hey, don’t knock gas station dining as a whole. Some of the best sausage & biscuits I’ve ever had were from a filling station in northern Mississippi. Fried chicken & catfish, too.

Dakota Johnson’s acting is like watching a mannequin for two hours. So I think I’ll just watch the classic 80s movie Mannequin instead.

I have never once heard Starbucks referred to as a “restaurant” and it feels so wrong.

Sure, twitter is also bad. I think most sensible people know it’s a dumpster fire now.